ZX-Appeal February 1986

Date: February 1986


Title Description Computers
Editor's Preamble
The Zeeper Speaks
Get a Better Screen Several circuits for composite monitor signals from the ZX81/TS 1000. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Light Show From Your Computer Short graphic program. Timex/Sinclair 2068
Playing With Electricity Implementing a terminal program and adding a modem to the QL. Sinclair QL
Good Modem Deal: 2050 Modem Cards Bare modems available via mail order.
The QL Section Sources of QL hardware and software. Sinclair QL
Portugal Calling Potential for importing TC 2068 and disk drives. Timex Computer 2068
QL Graphics Toolkit Short blurb about Landscape Creator. Sinclair QL
British Software Publishers List of software vendors.
Spectrum Software Review: Macadam Bumper Review of a pinball construction kit program. Sinclair ZX Spectrum
30 Music Programs for T/S 2068 Review of the book by Oleg D Jefimenko. Timex/Sinclair 2068
Unusual Spectrum Programs Witchcraft Revealed, Astrology for Beginners, Magic, Crossword Compiler, Building Estimators. Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Calling Adventurers Request for people interested in playing adventure games.
SPO 256 Speech Synthesis Made Easy List of allphones grouped by sound.
Anatomy of a Hires Hardcopy Utility for TS2040 Printers Machine language program high resolution printing. Timex/Sinclair 1000
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