Date: Winter 1991
Volume: 1
Issue: 4
Title | Description | Computers |
From the Chairmans Desk | Printer issues, thoughts on MSCRIPT, Larken and Oliger disk systems. | |
Input/Output | Letters from Abed Kahale, George Chambers, Bill Harmer, Roy Wisti, Pete Paglia, Hugh Scriven, Bill Allen, Bob Madaris. Recover from MSCRIPT crash, work on disk library, Oliger users. | |
Timex/Sinclair Public Domain Library Available Now | T/SNUG public domain library available. Librarians include Bob Swoger, Jay Shepard, D. G. Smith, Ed Snow, Al Feng and Don Lambert. | |
Cassette Save/Load Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 3 | Reprint of Overcoming Cassette Loading and Saving Problems from Synchro-Sette v2 n4, April 1983. | Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Clean Screens Please! | Request for change to how users save programs to prevent cluttering screen with feedback from Larken disk command calls. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
A Short History of the Z88 | Most of this article is compiled from news events appearing in Z88 FAX News and Z88 EPROM. Z88 FAX News was an American publication printed on FAX paper in a newspaper style format. Z88 EPROM is the newsletter published by the Z88 Users’ Club in the United Kingdom. The club has a worldwide membership. Z88 | Cambridge Z88 |
Transferring MSDOS Files to the TS2068 | Techniques and program for loading files from an MS DOS disk using a Larken disk system. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
Directory to Printer PDS DOC | Information about a SuperBASIC utility to send directory listing to the printer. | Sinclair QL |