Date: Autumn 1996
Volume: 6
Issue: 3
Input/OutputLetters from David Lassov, Keith Watson, Jon Kaczor, Bob Swoger, Frank Davis, John Pegram, Al Feng, Joan Kealy, Jose Moreno, Gil Parrish, Tim Malone, Don Lambert
- ZX-81 HiRes GraphZX81 Type-in program
- From the Chairman's Disk
To Frank and Carol DavisEditorial about the end of Update Magazine.
- Disk DoctorTS 2068
- QMOSAIC ChroniclesQL
- LogiCall LogicTS 2068
- QL Hacker's JournalQL
- Few Useful Z88 CLI RoutinesZ88
- IBM-AT Keyboard Interface for the ZX-81ZX81 Hardware project
- Windows by Shade, Part 5TS 2068 Type-in program
- Daisy Be Good - VIIITS 2068
Surfing-the-Net with SinclairFTP sites, listserv, BBSes, usenet and gopher site.
- Gator Software Development
- Lloyd Dreger
- NAP_Ware
- Byte-Back Co
- John Oliger Co.
- Computer Classics
- A.F.R. Software
- Platypus Software
- New England Sinclair QL Users Group
- Wood and Wind Computing
- LIST (Long Island Sinclair Timex)
- QL Hacker's Journal
- Capital Area Timex Sinclair Users Group
- Nite-Times News
- Greater Cleveland Sinclair Users Group
- Gerton Lunter
- RMG Enterprises
- FWD Computing