Partial Pascal

Platform(s): TS 1000
Date: 1983
Price: $30
Rarity: uncommon

Subset of Pascal for the ZX81/TS 1000. Includes if, then, else, case, of, otherwise, while, do, repeat, until, for, to, downto, begin and end for program control; read, readln, write, writeln, reset, rewrite, eoln, eof, inkey and text for input and output; +, *, div, mod, abs, chr, odd, ord, pred, succ and sqr for calculations; not, and, or for decisions; procedure, function and forward for subroutines; const, type, var, array, boolean, char and integer for data; copy, fast, slow, pause and halt for computer control; plot and point for graphics; and mem, mem2, memw, move and usr for machine language. 16K.


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