Expense Cutter Products, Inc.
Raytown, MO 64133
Molded acrylic guard for computer and RAM pack. Intended to prevent RAM pack wobble.
TS 1000
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n1)New products from KSOFT, D. Lipinksi, ZX Software Team, M.C. Hoffman, Run-it Software Club, Startext, Expense Cutters Products, Computa-Dek, Bytesize Computer Products, Computer Continuum, Martin Irons, Rose Aircraft. Charles Durang will not publish ZX Newsletter, focus on books instead.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n2)New products from Expense Cutters Products, JPR Software, Biocal, Memotech, R.S. Panwar, Wisconsinc Electronics, Calliope Software, Practical Computer Products, Melear Marketing, SofTek, RAMSTRAP, Syncware,f/22 Press, Hunter, Friendly Computer, M.C. Hoffman, Integrated Data Systems, Softsync.
- To Buy or Not to Buy? HardwareReviews of Mindware MW-100 printer, Crash Guard from Expense Cutter Products, Power Line Filter from HB Industries.
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