Stephen Adams

1 Leswin Rd., London UK


Metal clamp that eliminates RAM pack wobble. It includes the capacity for printer and other equipment.
TS 1000
Allows control of the SAVE and LOAD leads as well as the tape motor for one or two tape recorders. Relay isolation from the computer allows control of 110 volts AC 1 amp from the unit. Also has a built in 5 bit port (6 if only one motor relay fitted). Outputs can be used
TS 1000


  • Fiz-zy Floppy
    Review of Floppy Interface for ZX81 (FIZ) from Macronics Systems.
  • Letter from England (Sync v3 n1)
    One of the advantages of living in England, home of Sinclair Research, is that we get to try out some of the “extras” before anyone else. Here are some of the things that may cross the Atlantic from England for the ZX81.
  • Letter from England (Sync v3 n3)
    Description of the Spectrum.
  • Letter from England (Sync v3 n5)
    New computers, software libraries, compilers and assemblers, magazines, hardware developments (joysticks, printer interfaces, modems, tape copiers).
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n12)
    New products from Matthew Zenkar, G. Russell Electronics, MicroSync Services, Stephen Adams, E. Alvarez, Norris Electronics, Gladstone, Kopak, M.C. Hoffman, Stuart Software, Dale Lipinksi, TSG Enterprises, QZX Newsletter, Intercomputer, Lamo-Lem, JACYN Electronics.
  • Speech Pack
    Speech Pack gives you computer-generated speech through your ZX/TS. Speech Pack is a black box with a special processor and ROM containing words. It has three other sockets so other word ROMs can plug in.
  • ZX Memory Map
    Memory map as designed, where current peripherals fit in the map and suggestions about standardization.


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