Publication Details
Volume: 5 Issue: 5
Everyone knows that Sinclair Timex computers are dead now that Timex quit, right?
Well, I’m always the last to get the word, darn it! In May, I completed my “Super JO1000”, a TS1000 upgraded to full color, 124K system with EPROM programming, EPROM read, and Centronics parallel printer interface. (“JO” stands for John Oliger, who produces a series of excellent kits for upgrading the ZX/TS.)
My Super JO1000 makes an Apple look like a lemon. But, since Timex quit, I guess I’ll have to shuck it. And I just ordered a new 2050 modem, too! Yes, the 2050 modem is now on the market. E. Arthur Brown Co. [3404 Pawnee Dr., Alexandria MN 56308 612/762-8847] has them. It doesn’t carry the Timex name, but it is the same one they “promised”, and it works with all Sinclair/Timex models. At $119.95, I thought it could get me into “telephone computing”.
And I’ve just finished putting together two “user cartridge kits” for my TS2068. Each has 16K capacity for EPROM software. These new kits and the kits that form the Super JO1000 are produced by John Oliger [11601 Widbey Dr., Cumberland, IN 46229]. He says he will bring out a smart disc interface, an EPROM programmer, and other kits for the TS2068 soon.
I just bought some new software, too. The new “WS II.3” word processor [Gesang Associates, POB 452, Randallstown, MD 21133 301/922-0767] does a good job. Tom Wood’s “ZX Pro-File” [POB 64, Jefferson, NH 03583] ain’t bad either. I liked the ZX/TS version of Pro-File so much that I bought the 2068 Pro-File and a subscription to “Pro-File Newsletter”.
Maybe I’ll keep both my systems and look at the QL this fall.
Bill Jones, Panama City, FL
You might tell everyone to simply put your name on all correspondence, as I have recently. I have sent out inquiries for TS2000 software and hardware. On each inquiry I wrote “I always read SYNTAX (Harvard, MA).” I hope we will be seeing someone pick up all the good Timex started: TS modem, 80 column printer, microdrive, and TS2000 ROM cartridges for my dock connector!
James Tedone, Enfield, CT
Byte-Back (Rt 3 Box 147, Brodie Rd, Leesville, SC 29070 803/532-5812) sells their own modem; others (see previous letter and Vendor Report) sell modems that would have been the Timex modem. AERCO (POB 18093, Austin, TX 78760 512/331-0719) sells Centronics parallel interfaces for the TS2068; most computer stores sell compatible printers. John Oliger sells cartridge board kits: see previous letter.