


Publication Details



August 1986


See all articles from Byte Power Aug 1986

This program is a word-processor, not as complex as expensive ones, but it does have a lot of features worth using, and it loads so fast it’s a snap to use it!

The features are CENTER TEXT, NORMAL TEXT, PARAGRAPH, TABULATION and automatic WORDWRAP. It prints sideways on the TS2040 printer at up to 128 columns! Up to 1012 lines are possible, about 5400 words. The keyboard functions are cursor control as BASIC, and INSERT SPACE [SHIFT 1], and DELETE SPACE [SHIFT 9]. By pressing [EXTENDED] then [SPACE], you will obtain the function character, which is used before using any function. To go into MENU MODE, just press [EXTENDED] then [m].

To use a TEXT FUNCTION you must use the FUNCTION CHARACTER then the first letter of the function, then, if needed a number and at the end, always a space.

EXAMPLE: CENTER text…(function char)c , remember always a space at the end!


NORMAL default option, the text will be printed with left justification and wordwrap. TABULATION and PARAGRAPH functions will work, in opposite to the CENTER fonction.

CENTER will center the text until a NORMAL function is used. TABULATION and PARAGRAPH will not work.

TABULATION, I guess you already know that function. The way to use it is a bit different than NORMAL or CENTER. The way you should write it is (function char)T,or (function char)Txx, xx being the TAB value if there is no number after “T”, the last value of “T” will be used, if TAB has not been used the default number is 1/3rd of the width.

PARAGRAPH is used at the begining of each paragraph, this function is written like the TAB function but xx is the ident instead, and the default number is 1/8th of the width.

In MENU MODE you will be asked to choose PRINT, SAVE, LOAD, CLEAR or QUIT. Remember that at any time you can abort a question by pressing [STOP].

The PRINT option will print the formated text on the TS2040 or compatible all you have to input is the text width (20 to 128) and the N# of copy. You can stop the printing by pressing [STOP].

NOTE that when entering the WIDTH or the N# of COPY you can press ENTER without entering a number,the computer will then take 64 columns or/and 1 copy as the default numbers.

P.S. a very special file has been provided with this program it is found just after [EASYtype] and its name is [EASYtype F]. WARNING: do not look at the text, it does not quite make sense. Print it at 50 of text width. When the 4 pages are printed look at all of them one above the other.

NOTE, when printing any text at all the computer should not take more than a few seconds to start printing if it takes longer than that you can stop it by pressing [STOP]. The only possible ERROR in that case is that a word has more letters than the text width.

Loading Name EASYtype
Loading Time 45 seconds
Program Type Word-Processor
Written by Eric Boisvert



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