Editor’s Note


Publication Details



May 1988


See all articles from Byte Power May 1988

Hi there in computerland! Again, another issue packed with great programs!

Future Hero, a superb platform game! Renumber II, a renumber utility that will renumber any BASIC program! Puzzle, a mind “bugging” game! On Error, an error trapping utility. Slide Show, digitized pictures! Plukkers Hunt II, the sequel! Shrinker, memory saver! Map Out Bad Blocks, a LARKEN disk utility. Clock Radio, an actual clock!

This month will be “party-time” again!

As you probably noticed, BYTE POWER Magazine is now loaded in FAST LOAD. This allows us to cut the loading time to about half.

Also the BYTE POWER program (this one) has had a face lift. The AERCO interface option (PRINTER SECTION) has been debugged so all AERCO compatible interfaces should work. If you wish to load your own print driver, you can now load it at 64000 or higher, this will clear all other problems encountered earlier.

For the past issues (AUG 86 to FEB 88), a new AERCO driver is included so that you can load it at 64500 (or 23296, printer buffer). Just load it at address xx, then RANDOMIZE USR xx and RUN program. This driver is 100 bytes long and is relocatable anywhere, it is found right after this magazine.

In the last issue we talked about “protection” for our magazine, since then we have received several letters showing a strong desire for us to go back to the POKE 23681,0 break format. This convinced us to do so.

Have fun!
Eric and Kris Boisvert



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