Extended Plot


Publication Details



Winter 1989


See all articles from Byte Power Winter 1989

Extended Plot is a new operating system for the PLOT function… All you need to add in your BASIC programs is a RANDOMIZE USR (addr): before the PLOT/DRAW/CIRCLE/POINT.

It supports colors and variables just like the BASIC PLOT! The only difference is with the POINT which I will explain later.

“What’s the big deal?” you say… Well, the Extended Plot routine allows you to plot ANYWHERE on the screen, yes, even on the bottom 2 lines! It also has a new CIRCLE command that is a LOT faster than the normal CIRCLE!

“OK, how do I use it?” Simple, you just customize the Extended Plot and you are ready to go. Just enter the address where you would like EX PLOT to reside and that’s it!

To use it in BASIC:

RANDOMIZE (OR LET var=) USR address: PLOT/CIRCLE/DRAW (same as the regular BASIC commands)

To use POINT:

Always RANDOMIZE USR address: LET var1 (any variable at all)=POINT (x,y) (normal POINT command)

Var1 will now contain 0 or 1 depending on if the pixel is INK or PAPER.

It’s that easy! The only other thing you should remember is that PLOT 0,0 is at the very bottom of the screen.

To make sure you would understand properly I have included a demo program.

Program name EX PLOT
Program type Utility
Written by Kristian Boisvert



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