Geometric Optics Computation On A Sinclair Microcomputer


Walter V Hattery; Jonathan Vanderwall

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My name is Jonathan Vanderwall and I am by profession an electronics engineer at the Army’s Harry Diamond Laboratories in Adelphi, Maryland, although I have worked in electrooptics for the past 15 years. About five years ago, Clive Sinclair put out the first really cheap computer, and I have had a Sinclair computer of the latest type on my desk ever since. Then, three years ago, Don Small published his program, “Small Optical Design and Analysis,” (SODA-I) and gave the listing away to interested parties. I discarded the optics program that I had been working on, and began to translate SODA-I for my Timex-Sinclair 2068. Later, I recruited a colleague, Walter Hattery, who also likes the idea of inexpensive computation for scientific purposes, and we have been doing the final debugging and testing for about the last year, not, I rush to add, on taxpayers’ time.



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