Publication Details
Artworx is a program that allows you to draw pictures using Brushes, Spray, Fill, Zoom, Circle, Arc, Oval, Line, Ray, Box, Triangle and Dot. You can also add text to your pictures in four different type font, Normal (TS2068 Letters), Bold, Ultra or Italics.
The program also allows you to move pieces of the picture anywhere on the screen, copy it, turn it, magnify it, reduce it, flip it vertically or horizontally or erase it completely! You can paint the screen with a special brush, it includes the the attributes such as INK, PAPER, BORDER, BRIGHT, FLASH and inverse.
So much for the good stuff! Let’s see how it performs! It is very easy to use, espacially if you use the Joystick. The program features an ‘Intelligent cursor’, it speeds up when you go in the same direction for a long time. It also features a fill function. The only problem with it is that it only fills in black, it should a least fill in gray too! And sometimes it does not fill every thing you want to fill. Another thing is that when you enter text on the screen it works in characters, they should have plotted the letters instead as it would not erase what is underneath those letters. And it would allow us to writein diagonal or in circle to create special effects, too bad!
While we are at it, to get the menu you have to press the FIRE button (the 0 key when using the keyboard) twice, it’s a little annoying because, sometimes, it doesn’t respond very well.
But despite those minor ‘bugs’, Artworx is very well designed. It has proven to be very useful in doing screens for programs! This one is a ‘NOT TO MISS’.
We rate it:
Ease of use: GOOD
Documentation: VERY GOOD
Features: GOOD
Average: VERY GOOD
Program name: Artworx
Program Type: Utility program
From: Novelsoft
Price: $19.95 (US) + $3.00 S/H