2568 Woodshire Circle, Chesapeake, VA 23323
Owner(s): Herb Bowers


The ultimate word game based on a popular TV game show, starring lovely Miss Banna Brite.
TS 2068
Tax return software.
TS 2068
Income tax filing software.
TS 2068


  • "All The News Fit to Print"
    Arctan Computer Ventures offers programs for ZX81/TS1000 users; E. Arthur Brown has exclusive publishing rights to The Hacker’s Handbook; Dungeon of Ymir version three available; Money Machine II available; Soundesign and Tracer available from RMG; replacement SCLDs from Capitol Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group; Tomahawk from Knighted Computers; ROMON for Sinclair QL; Zebra Systems purchased the
  • Money Machine, Puzzle Maker and additional comment on Money Machine II
    The original Money Machine is a little different than Money Machine II: it does not have Bann Brite nor the enlarged type of the latter. It has 400 puzzles and provides for loading in new puzzles.
  • Oh Banna ... Give Me a Letter
  • Oh Banna ... Give me a letter: A Software Review of 'Money Machine II'
    Review of Herb Bowers/ABBA Software’s version of Wheel of Fortune.
  • Software Review: Money Machine II
    For those unfortunate ones who are able to observe Vanna infrequently or not at all, but are nevertheless equipped with a T/S 2068, there remains the option of MONEY MACHINE II. This option not only permits discretionary observation of Miss Banna Brite (as shapely an assembly of pixels as one could wish for), but also
  • Software Review: The New Tax Law & You


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