Computer Classics
Cabool, MO 65689
Dan Elliott
Also known as Promise Land Electronics. Repair service for many microcomputers.
- An Unsolicited Plug
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Pieces
- Bits & Pieces
- Dan Elliott Repair Info
- How to Modify a Coleco Adam Power Supply for your QL
- Items Gleamed from Other Club NewslettersThe Plotter reports that most repairs sent to Dan Elliot are completed and returned quickly. Only those requiring SCLDs take longer. CATS has article about connecting QL to RGB monitor. L.I.S.T. reports A&J Micro no longer supplying microdrives because they cannot obtain tapes.
- QL Repair Sources/TS-2068 Repair SourcesDan Elliott and Tom Bent are recommended for QL. Elliot also repairs TS-2068.
- Repairs
- Tid-Bytes and Not So New News
- Timex RepairsLetter from Dan Elliott about repair services. Dan contacted Timex Portugal about sourcing replacement SCLDs.
- Timex Tidbits
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n2
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n6
- Update April 1993
- Update April 1994
- Update April 1995
- Update January 1993
- Update January 1994
- Update January 1995
- Update January 1996
- Update July 1992
- Update July 1993
- Update July 1994
- Update July 1995
- Update October 1988
- Update October 1989
- Update October 1991
- Update October 1992
- Update October 1993
- Update October 1994
- Update October 1995
- ZXir QLive Alive! v3 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v3 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v4 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v4 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v4 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v4 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v5 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v5 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v5 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v5 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v6 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v6 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v6 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v6 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v7 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v7 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v7 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v7 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v8 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v8 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v8 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v9 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v9 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v9 n3