Heath Computer Services
950 East 52 South, Greentown, IN 46936
Up to 8 appointments per day for up to 31 days. Change or delete any appointment. Print a list of appointments for day or month. Save all appointments on tape. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 2068
Lists (25 16K) (100 64K) deposits showing amount and date entered. Lists (80 16K) (500 64K) checks and displays check number, date and payee. Lists by account total of checks written. Keeps running total of checks written and balance left in account. Adds interest and subtracts service charges. Search for a check by number, name,
Downloadable TS 1000
File one year of records in 20 user defineable areas. Printer output. Menu driven. Month by month totals, year to date totals, review individual files, or all totaled. Full maintenance routine. Self-starting, self-saving, self-naming (according to the year entered). 16K.
TS 1000
All the applications in Financial Record Keeper plus the ability to hold 500 checking transactions. Checks listed according to a number of options (date, check no.) or by endorsee. List year to date totals by endorsee or category. Checkbook reconciliation routine included. Shows which checks have cleared the bank. 48K.
TS 1000
Enter up to 50 words for your child to learn to spell. Determine how long the word is flashed.
TS 1000
May be used for everything from keeping an accurate inventory for businesses to personal record collection. Holds up to (150 16K) (750 64K) items with comments for each. Comments may be used for serial numbers, dates, prices or location. Lists all items, search for single item, change or delete any item. Sort items in alphabetical
TS 1000
Track and print invoices for small business. Will hold (20/16K) (120/64K) invoices of up to (5/16K) (10/64K) lines each. Review or change any invoice, list all invoices, list invoices with an open balance, enter additional payments and review invoices written to a particular account. Prints your company name and address on each invoice. 16-64K.
TS 1000
Track and print invoices for small business. Review or change any invoice, list all invoices, list invoices with an open balance, enter additional payments and review invoices written to a particular account. Prints your company name and address on each invoice.
TS 2068
Holds (100 16K) (425 64K) names, addresses and telephone numbers. Search by name, city, zip code, or phone number. Will sort by name, city, or zip code in alphabetical or numerical order. Lists all names, changes or deletes. Prints list of names or names and addresses or address labels if they are available for your
TS 1000 TS 2068
Up to 50 problems in addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, with 6 difficulty levels. 16K.
TS 1000
Choose the multiplier for up to 50 problems. Each problem is listed, showing user’s answer and correct answer. 16K.
TS 1000
Holds (150 16K) (600 64K) products with wholesale and retail prices. Shows separate wholesale and retail totals and amount of profit in up to (25 16K) (100 64K) different accounts. Records inventory automatically or manually. Totals sales tax. Cash register mode totals, identifies, adds sales tax. and keeps records for your bookkeeping. Prints a list
TS 1000
Track 40 students, 40 exams, tests, quizzes, quarterlies averaged and weighted; track homework and performance factor and more. 32K version of the 16K program available from Timex. 16-64K.
TS 1000 TS 2068
- Mailing ListThe program is written entirely in BASIC language. It stores from 100 to 425 NAMES, ADDRESSES, and PHONE NUMBERS; lists all names; searches by NAME, by CITY, by ZIP code, or by PHONE number. It allows changes to entered data, or deletions of data. It allows a print out of the complete listing, or a…
- SupportA & J Microdrive offers microdrives; Heath Computer Services has business programs; ROMPAK has Pro/File, Textwriter and others on ROM.
Computer Media
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