International Publishing & Software Inc
3948 Chesswood Drive, Downsview, Ontario, Canada M3J 2W6
A good introduction to chess. Full graphic representation of the chess board is included. Single level of play. Does not accept castling or en-passant moves. Source code was published as a series of articles in Your Computer.
Downloadable ZX81 TS 1000
A selection of 11 exciting games for the unexpanded ZX81 or T/S1000 computer. Games include: Slot Machine, Etch and Sketch, Slalom Ski, Catch Me If You Can, Space Pirate, Spacefire (2 versions), Car Crash, Man-Eating Budgies, Maze and the Wall.
TS 1000
Improved chess game for an unexpanded TS 1000. Better graphics and a vastly superior range of moves.
TS 1000
In this machine code program you find yourself stranded on an alien planet. On this planet you will meet various hazards, including aliens, little green men, some natural – some not. Your aim is to escape this planet by finding your captured and disabled space ship. You really are the commander of your computer. Also
Downloadable TS 1000
In this adventure you find yourself in South America in the jungle, near an as-yet-undisturbed Inca temple. Inside this temple you will find lots of treasure, your aim is to get out with as much treasure as you can. Beware, do not let greed be your downfall. Your adventure is complete when you have returned
Downloadable TS 1000
While on reconnaissance in space, your ship has been drawn by a graviton beam towards an alien cruiser. Fred, your pet android, informs you that the cruiser is on a humanoid slave mission. Its mission is to seek out humanoid planets from which the inhabitants are taken as slaves and their brains replaced by micro-chips!
Downloadable TS 1000
You are in your club in London, where you have just had a blazing row with Sir Roger Partington-Smythe and accepted a wager of $20,000 against your traveling around Western Europe and obtaining a souvenir from the capital cities within 80 hours. 16K.
TS 1000
Helps you “track” your up and down cycles for intellectual, emotional, and physical factors. Lets you know what phase of your personal biorhythm cycle you are experiencing on any specific day. The program is supplied with a detailed booklet explaining the theory and application of biorhythms. 16K.
TS 1000
Blackjack at its best. Blackjack as it played in the casinos of Nevada. Up to five players can play against a dealer with a fifty-two card deck. Split pairs, double down, and even buy insurance. The deck is reshuffled only when needed — allows for a continuous game. Your winnings and losings are displayed after
TS 1000
Concentration: 3 ways to play; match numbers, shapes, or patterns with a friend or the computer. Word Challenge: Modeled after the famous word game Boggle; up to 6 players. Number Challenge: How many numbers can you recall … backwards? 3 levels; up to 6 players against the computer. 16K
TS 1000
Turn your ZX81 into a telescope. Produces a simulation of the night sky as seen from any position on Earth at any chosen time this century. You may point your telescope in any direction, move it up, down, left or right, zoom in or out. Stars may be displayed by magnitude or constellation. 16K.
TS 1000
Another UFO sighting turns into a nightmare. Your curiosity and some unknown force draw you into a waiting spacecraft. Somewhere, light years away from Earth, you are probed and examined to determine your intelligence. If you fail, you will be jettisoned with the garbage, but, if you pass, you will be sent back to Earth.
TS 1000
Find the temple and escape the evil that lurks around every corner. On your journey uncover as much treasure as you can, and find the right keys to get through the doors. But, avoid the deadly fumes, poison, magic, cave-ins, bottomless pit and more. 16K.
TS 1000
Memory aid and testing device. This program simulates a set of flashcards. You can put questions on side one of the flashcard and the answers on side two. Then give yourself, your children or your friends a random test or a non-repeating test. Set up math quizzes, trivia, games, memory tests, etc. You define what
TS 1000
An excellent version of the classic space game. Protect your seven lives against fleets of hostile invaders, who swoop down and attack quickly. This version is an excellent demonstration of the capabilities of the ZX81 or TS1000 to entertain and excite for hours. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
You are chased around a maze by ghosts. If you can eat some magic food you have a chance of stopping the ghosts. This is a superb realization of this exciting game for the ZX81 and TS1000 computer. Written in machine code, with excellent graphics, there is also a personalized ‘high-score’. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
You are Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer of Great Britain. Your aim is to stay in office as long as possible. Sold as “Run the Country” by Gladstone. 16K.
TS 1000
Routines for graphics up to 256×192 pixels, sine wave generator and 3D exponential graph generator. 16K.
TS 1000
Complete home budgeting system. Establish budget categories, track monthly bills and income, see monthly and year-end balance sheet. 16K.
TS 1000
Shoot down the marching aliens with your rapid fire laser cannon before they take over the planet forever. Shields are provided to help protect you from the bombs of the marching aliens. Ten levels of play, from easy to suicidal. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
The huge mothership hovers above your base raining missiles and bombs down onto you. Blast through its force field and destroy it before you are disintegrated … but don’t hit the reconstruction zones or all the damage you did to the mothership is instantly rebuilt! Fast paced machine code action. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
LOAD and SAVE programs up to six times faster. Catalog feature lists programs and memory usage. Package includes 2 programs: Keyboard Monitor and Fast Loader. Both reside at RAMTOP. Fast loader can be used in front of any fast saved tape to enable it to be fast loaded thus there is no need to load
Downloadable TS 1000
A journey beneath the Enchanted Forest in search of the missing keys of Gondrun the Wizard. Can you stay alive and discover the keys? Map the caves as you travel through them, but beware of the nasties lurking there! Program features real-time monster fights at 6 skill levels. There are alternative responses to give a
Downloadable TS 1000
Adventure game and treasure hunt. Be the first to crack the puzzle and the $20,000 prize which actually exists will be yours. Only one prize will be awarded. You have 12 clues. The answer to each is the name of a country, a city or town, and a number. According to Bill Ferrebee, Gladstone ended
TS 1000
Your ZX81 becomes the command console as a diver descends to the sunken submarine Nautilus to rescue as many of the stranded crew as possible. It’s a race against time as your oxygen supply must be replenished. It’s also a constant battle against marauding sharks which you can attempt to blast with your laser. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Personal finance package includes a check book/register program, a mortgage and rule of 78 loan program, net worth and budget programs
TS 1000
A historical data bank. Organized to provide insight and information regarding historical events. You can access the program to find out what famous persons were born and what noteworthy event happened on your birthday. 16K.
TS 1000
Shell Game: Watch the “Hustler” move the shells. Try to keep track of the “pea.” Bet and guess. Number Maze: Computer version of the pocket puzzle. Move the number squares one space at a time until they are in order. 16K.
TS 1000
Here is your chance to beat the ‘one-arm bandits’. Slots lets you choose 5 cent, 10 cent, 25 cent, 50 cent and even $1 machine. Each machine has six sets of different graphics and pay according to the number of coins you played. Excellent, striking graphics and lots of fun and excitement. 16K.
TS 1000
A data bank of information on the cosmos. Interesting facts. Inter-relationships of the planets, their moons, the sun, artificial satellites, and the constellations. Now you can have finger-tip computerized access to amazing facts about the universe. 16K.
TS 1000
You search the galaxy for a habitable planet for colonization, but discover that they are few. You do find a host of planets of great mineral wealth. You can be caught in the gravitational pull of massive black holes or come out of hyperspace beside a star about to go supernova. You run the gauntlet
TS 1000
You are commander of the Swordfish, a subspace striker, the most feared class of attack craft in the galaxy. Your mission is to disrupt the Federation space lanes, to sever their vital supplies. You are likely to be attacked if you miss with your torpedoes, but even if you hit you must watch out. 16K.
TS 1000
Features a number of utilities for programmers. RENUMBER, DELETE, MEMORY check, DUMP (displays current values of string and numerical values, except arrays), FIND a string, REPLACE a string, SAVE (transfers program to below RAMTOP), APPEND (joins 2 programs), REMKILL (removes all REM statements).
TS 1000
Helps you gain control over your eating patterns. This is not a diet, but an individually tailored, systematic weight loss program of lasting results. It uses a specially designed Personal Status Assessment. Based on your assessment, the ZX81 becomes your monitor and feedback system, allowing you to discretely track yourself against your own model. Research
TS 1000
VERIFY confirms whether a program has been recorded properly on tape. The program in memory is unaffected, and a further “save” can be made if necessary. MLOAD/MSAVE enables a specified block of memory to be saved. VPTR can be used within a BASIC program to eliminate many tedious POKES and PEEKS in finding the addresses
Downloadable TS 1000
In the style of a medieval joust, 2 mighty robots join battle on a remote barren planet. Your energy shield is being eaten away by Zor’s onslaught. Can you think and fire fast enough to save your planet from enslavement? Renamed version of Subspace Striker. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine code program occupies 7K of memory and locates itself at the top of memory. The program is a full Editor/Assembler and Monitor. Labels may be used instead of any string. The features include Line Insertion/Delete, Insert Characters, Auto Repeat on all keys. The monitor has facilities to inspect memory, registers and run machine code
Downloadable TS 1000
Machine code monitor and disassembler. ZXBUG is a powerful tool for machine language programming. It is 4K long and uses memory from 71E0h to the top memory. ZX BUG works in hexadecimal (base 16), not decimal, so all addresses are a maximum of 4 hex bits long. Provides a total of 28 commands. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
A challenging chess program, written in machine language, designed to operate in the ZX81 fast mode. ZX Chess allows you to select from 6 levels of play, choose either black or white, and enables castling and en-passant moves. Unique self-running feature: you start the tape and when the chess board appears on the screen, start
Downloadable TS 1000
All the features of ZX Chess I, plus more. Has a book of 32 opening moves. Can play at 7 levels, four of which play within competition time limits. A move is suggested by the computer if requested. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
ZX Galaxia is a good adaption to the ZX81 of the popular arcade game. You are being attacked in deep space by formations of hostile Galaxians, and it is your mission to prevent them from attacking Earth by zapping them with your laser gun as they break out of formation and hurtle towards you. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Pilot your spacecraft through a fast moving, complex space maze. Watch out for missiles being fired from all directions. You can shoot back or evade them.
Downloadable TS 1000
Full implementation of FORTH for the ZX81/TS1000. Runs up to 10 times faster than Basic. ZX-FORTH complies with the FORTH-79 standard, with the exceptions of replacing the # sign with the British pound symbol, the @ sign with a question mark, the exclamation point with *, an apostrophe with the word “tick”, and “[” and
Downloadable TS 1000
- Assembler offers aidReview of ZX Assembler, from International Publishing and Software.
- Computer Diet for T/SProduct announcement for Personal Weight Control Program, a computerized diet and nutrition program from International Publishing & Software.
- Deja-vu (ZX Scramble)Review of the game from International Publishing and Software.
- FASTLOADReview of the program.
- Fastload Review
- Fastload Revisited
- Fun In The CarrotpatchReview of Packrabbit.
- How educational are the "educational" programsBrief overview of effective educational software and review of educational programs from International Publishing, Mindware, Reston, Softsync and Timex.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n10)New products from Tom Woods, Hunter, Miller-Zamis, International Publishing and Software, King Software, Hamrich International, P. Pollak, E-Z Key.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n5)New products from Timex, J.V. Kane, Silicon Valley North, ZX-Panding, Computer Engineering Services, M-Ware, W.D. Maples, Kaltek Calculator Technology, J.J. Castillos, Florida Creations, Stuart Software, Laserscan Electronics, International Publishing & Software, 2-Bit Software, LINC.
- Player who can crack KRAKIT will win $20,000KRAKIT is a treasure hunt instead of a game. Using the Timex Sinclair 1000 computer, the ambitious player must find the location of hidden treasure by figuring out 36 answers to 12 clues. Each answer consists of the name of a country, name of a city or town and a number containing one to six…
- RAM-DriveRAM-Drive is a machine code utility program that gives you powerful program editing comands.
- ReviewsShort reviews of Mothership, Gamestape 1, Graphic Golf, Mazogs, Wallbusters, Caves of Zulu, Combat Flight, Vault of the Centaurs, 80 Hours Around Europe
- ZX ScrambleReview of the game from International Publishing & Software.
- ZX81 UpdateUpdate on accessories, software, a BASIC program, notes on the Spectrum, KRAKIT, fast load software, and a machine language program.
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