Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS5 5ES England


Name Description Computers
Education Pack 1 Maths drill, dot recognition, musical notes, spelling quiz, day finder. 1K. Sinclair ZX80
Education Pack 2 Graph plotter, prime factors, number bases, bar charts, statistics. 1K. Sinclair ZX80
Education Pack 3 Quiz package with three sample data sets. 2K. Sinclair ZX80
Games Pack 1 Three towers, number guessing, mastermind, sketcher, hurkle, nim, symbol simon. 1K. Sinclair ZX80
Games Pack 2 Nine lives, the maze game, plain sailing, noughts and crosses, chinese puzzle, tower of hanoi, battleships. 1K. Sinclair ZX80
Games Pack 3 Fruit machine, four-in-a-line, zombies. 2K. Sinclair ZX80
Utility Pack 1 Memory display, hex code monitor, renumber, memory search. 1K. Sinclair ZX80


Name Description Computers
Disassembled Basic Complete assembly language listing of the ZX80’s 4K ROM with annotations. Sinclair ZX80
The ZX80 Companion Covers BASIC, hardware and software, with detailed explanation of the monitor, routines and entry points. Sinclair ZX80





Title Description Computers
Disassembled BASIC
Linsac's Game Programs 1 and 2: A Review Reivew of games cassettes from Linsac. Games include Three Towers (Towers of Hanoi), Guess a Number, Mastermind, Sketcher (simple drawing program), Hurkle, Nim, Symbol Simon, Nine Lives, The Maze Game, Plain Sailing, Noughts and Crosses, Chinese Puzzle, Tower of Hanoi and Battleships. Sinclair ZX80
Resources (Sync v1 n4) Listing of new user groups, books and other resources. MicroAce
Resources for the ZX-80 and MicroAce (Sync v1 n1) Currently available hardware, software, books and user groups and newsleters. MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
The ZX80 Companion Review of the book published by LINSAC. Sinclair ZX80

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