ZX-Panding, Ltd.
Newton, NC 28658
Al Bandy
Crunches any data to allow the best possible graph by readjusting the vertical coordinate to each set of data. A data summary will then follow including lowest and highest data points, data sum, and data mean. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Ten jobs in a menu-driven format. Checks and deposits are totaled and itemized under user-defined categories for budget planning and income tax preparation. Makes checkbook balancing easy and 90 transactions can be manipulated at one time with 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Three separate programs in a menu driven format. Digital clock constantly displaying the time. Count-up timer allowing the user to set the starting time. Count-down timer with a moving visual display after time lapses. Displays military or conventional time. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Stores up to 60 data points in up to 25 files under user-defined titles. Data can be recalled in either a tabular form or as a solid graph with a data summary table. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Basic math skills. Simulated race against the computer or another person. Selectable number range and time allowed for answers. Joggers answer questions to complete the race. K-7. 16K.
TS 1000
Three programs available on separate cassettes combined onto one cassette: Clocks and Timers, Your Special Day and Anypoint Plotter. 1K.
Downloadable ZX81 TS 1000
Enter any date in history and the computer will tell you which day of the week it was. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
- Bulletins: Software satirizes suburbanitesGames from 2-Bit Software, keyboard from Pegasus Micro Systems, motherboard from Syntech, programs from Orbyte Software, E-Z Key 60 recommended, programs from ZX-Panding Ltd and announcement of the Timex-Sinclair 1983 Directory from E. Arthur Brown Company.
- Filing and Inventory SystemsReview of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
- Graphing Capabilities for TS1000 (ZX81)Product announcement for Data Storage and Display System from ZX-Panding.
- Let this software help you run your homeReviews and compares four programs specifically designed to help manage money; one to set home files straight (birthdays, recipes, phone numbers, and so on) and one full 16K program just for all those bonus coupons that accumulate.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n5)New products from Timex, J.V. Kane, Silicon Valley North, ZX-Panding, Computer Engineering Services, M-Ware, W.D. Maples, Kaltek Calculator Technology, J.J. Castillos, Florida Creations, Stuart Software, Laserscan Electronics, International Publishing & Software, 2-Bit Software, LINC.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n9)New products from Matthew Zenkar, SyncMaster, John Carson, I.M.S. Enterprises, Banta Software, ZX-Panding, Syber Inc., KSOFT, E-Z Key.
- Resources (Sync v2 n5)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.