Long Island Sinclair Timex (LIST) User Group Library Tape #7

Date: 198x
Type: Cassette
Platform(s): TS 2068


A machine code program to LLIST your BASIC programs in 2 columns using a full-size printer. For use with an AERCO parallel printer interface and an EPSON RX-80 printer.
Math drills for addition.
Word jumble program. Scrambles the word, you guess the letter and its position. Some words with spelling errors.
TOMORROW LIES IN AMBUSH! word processor combined with a bold font. The name of the word processor comes from a collection of short stories with the same title.
Font for the TS 2068.
Calculates the number of calories burned in a given period of time for a wide variety of exercises.
Displays each character of the ASCII set in an enlarged matrix.
Choose from one of four fonts.
Utility for entering machine code in hexadecimal and other formats.
Bars and patterns for testing your TV.
Try to avoid crashing your car into the barriers.
A simple and moderately crude test of your match.
Add up monthly charges, collections, and adjustment using the Colwell bookkeeping system.
Game of Draw Poker between you and the computer.
Font for the TS 2068.
Games by Butch Weinberg.
Arrange the numbers so that they add up to 27 across all columns and rows. From Giant Book of Computer Games by Tim Hartnell.
This medical expert system can diagnose over 90 different maladies based on the information you provide in answering questions. But be advised, this program is S-L-O-W ! It takes, on average, about TWO HOURS to arrive at an opinion. It takes your answer to a question and recalculates the probabilities of likelihood for all the
Concentration-like game: match the pairs.
The following routine was suggested by “ALPHASORT” BY R. CLOUGH which was on LIST Library tape 5. It will sort program names, without the need to enter them manually, after you have used “multi tape”(see tape 5) to list the programs on a tape (or tapes). To load it simply MERGE it into “multi tape”.
Notes from the Long Island Sinclair Timex User Group tape librarian about the contents of the tape. NOTES ON PRECEDING TAPE JUST A FEW NOTES ON THE TAPE These programs are supplied by our club members and also other user groups. Please do not disseminate them to any other people. We have tried to avoid
Bet on one of eight runners in a foot race.
Quiz to help you learn Z80 opcodes and related concepts.
Dutch Parcheesi-like boardgame.
Plays Chopin’s Prelude.
Demonstrates a side scroll technique.
Cowboy showdown in the desert. Cacti are your shields.
Demonstrates a one-line side scroll technique.
Font for the TS 2068.
Font for the TS 2068.
This utility will display both the line currently being executed and the statement number within the current line.
Treasure Hunt written by Paul Sherwood for T/S1000 16K, from TS User Mag. #4. Modified by S.J. (BUTCH) Weinberg for T/S2068 Aug. 1984.
Displays the contents of the variable area.
Word processor written in BASIC.


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