Date: Fall 1988
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
- Newsletter Starts 2nd Year
- Pixel Print Has Electronic HomeDescribes special interest group (SIG) area on local bulletin board system.
- Happy Anniversary... now back to workUpdates and announcements.
- Pixel Print ProjectsAdding selectable LOAD and SAVE to Pixel Print.
- Quick TipsUsing bank switching to boldface text; faking italics.
- 3 Column Plus!Producing three column layouts.
- Reviews: Looking Good in Print, Bingham's Best+Review of a desktop publishing book and software from Paul Bingham.
- To be ... or not to be?Editorial about the state of the Timex/Sinclair 2068.
- Tech Talk: Pixel Print ProfessionalHighlights of features.
- Ideas to Make the Pixel Print Program Work Better for YouReviews Steve Spalding’s Personal Calendar Plus and Masthead Package #2.
- 16 Point Font Pack and the MEGA Font PackProduct announcement.
- Get the RAID!Small patch to correct a small bug in Pixel Print Plus.
- Users & UsesNotes about how Dale Lofall, Dennis Silvestri,Matt Kiddoo and Mike Felerski use Pixel Print.
- Practical Bank-Switching, Part 2Short routine to copy a Pixel Print column from HOME bank to DOCK bank.