SYNC v3 n6

Date: November/December 1983
Volume: 3
Issue: 6


  • Resources (Sync v3 n6)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Hardware Tips
    Robert Hartung to comment on letters from readers. Responses should be regarded as suggestions to help look for the answers.
  • The Timex/Sinclair 2040 Personal Printer
    At $99.95, the 2040 is the cheapest printer on the market designed specifically for the TS1000 or ZX81. Although it is by no means comparable to an 80 column, 8 1/2 inch paper cruncher, its 4 inch, 32 character format is adequate for its intended purpose, to produce legible hard copy of displays and program
  • Computer Battlegames and Computer Space Games
    Computer Battlegames and Computer Spacegames share the same format. The heart of each book consists of listings of about a dozen short games. Each listing is designed co work on a ZX81 or Timex Sinclair 1000, but “translations” are included for the Spectrum, BBC micro, TRS 80, Apple, and Vic 20. There are also brief
  • Cyborgwars
    Cyborgwars is a strategic game in which four warring cybernetic empires each call upon a human leader to take control and become the supreme leader. This game is the managing an economy, resource allocated type. The resources, in this case, are the robots themselves.
  • The Aerco Disk Drive System
    The disk drives sold by Aerco are Pertec FD 250 units. Any Shugart type drive could be used, but at $189 each from Aerco I felt this was the best price around. The Aerco disk drive unit transfers data at a rate of 250,000 bits per second. Disks (soft sectored, double density, double sided) accommodate
  • Directory of Newsletters
    The newsletters that we know about are listed below in alphabetical order by name. The name and address of the publisher or sponsoring group follow. The size (full or half), the number of pages (this is approximate and often varies), number of issues per year/ annual subscription rate for U.S. residents (the cost of most
  • Directory of User Groups
    The following Directory of User Groups ranges from groups that have been established for some time (shown by club name) to groups just getting underway (usually indicated by “area:”). Some groups are special interest groups (SIG) within larger computer clubs. Many groups have chosen a name which can be used to make an acronym.
  • The Linear Search
    Do you want to store and retrieve information with your computer? This program uses a machine language search routine that is so fast you can blitz through a full 13000 bytes of files to find the one you want in less than a second! The program uses Basic to create files and PRINT found ones.
  • "Hello, Z80 Calling..."
    In the last installment of this series on Z80 machine code programming, we translated a program that took more than 200 bytes of machine code. It was so big that it could not quite fit into a computer with less than 2K RAM. This time, we will look at ‘ROM calls’ the machine code subroutines
  • The ZON X-81 Sound Generator
    The Bi-Pak ZON promises a “huge range of possible sounds.” It certainly has great potential, but that potential is not so easily realized.
  • Speech Synthesizers
    Your ZX/TS computer can talk to you, with the help of a ‘Speech Synthesizer’ system. Speech or voice synthesis systems are combinations of hardware and software which, when tied in with your computer, can put electronically generated sounds and noises together into intelligible words and phrases. There are currently at least 16 semiconductor houses producing
  • Say What?
    Simple speech recognition hardware and program for ZX/TS computers (with at least 16K RAM). The word “simple” should be emphasized. The program is relatively simple to enter and run. It is limited to recognizing only ten simple words (but ten words of your choice!). It is not designed to replace your keyboard, rather it is
  • Making Music with the ZON X-81
    Programming the ZON, Bi-Pak’s sound generator, to play a simple tune is no simple task. On the other hand, it is far from impossible, and this article should be of help to aspiring computer musicians.
  • Staff: Teacher and Tester
    The ability to name notes on the staff is a necessary skill for even the novice musician. “Staff” is a versatile music education program that reviews notes from the first ledger line below the staff to the first ledger line above. Although the program includes the necessary lines for use with the ZON X-81 sound
  • The Fantastic Music Machine and Light Show
    The Fantastic Music Machine is a unique program that transforms your computer keyboard into a 3-octave musical instrument with reasonably good tonal quality with 16K it can handle up to 7000 notes.
  • Wind Chimes and the ZX/TS Computer
    Recently I wanted to build a set of tuned wind chimes. I knew that the calculations involved could become tedious, so I wrote a short program to do them. This program saved me a good deal of time and trial-and-error labor, and it prevented waste of material.
    Digitally Encoded FM Audio Generator — is a 29 byte machine code routine that allows you to store audio frequency data and to synthesize the facsimile sound at will. You may use complex mathmatical formulas to provide digitally sampled values from any continuous number field. These values are correlated to the audio spectrum so you
  • In and Out of SYNC
    The Video Technology VZ200; Plotting a Projectile
    ‘AUDISY”— Audio Digitizer/Synthesizer — is a 65 byte machine code routine that allows you to digitize and store the data for any sound phrase on your ZX/TS computer with 16K RAM. You may then synthesize the sound at will or study the data field.
  • Kitchen Sync
    Calculate mortgage payments.
  • Just for Fun
    Short programs that illustrate a point, demonstrate a technique, or show something the author has found interesting.
  • Sync Notes
    SYNC at the Concert; Timex/Sinclair Celebration; ZX Microdrive.
  • Glitchoidz Report
  • Letters
    Adding a Joystick; Making Backups for ML Tapes; Hardware Problems; Help


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