Date: September/October 1987
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
From The Editor's Cluttered DeskZX81 QL Z88 Themed issues; where to get your computer fixed; computer in business; Maryland doctor uses ZX81; Brazil’s TK 90X; Fred Nachbaur, QL’s price hits rock bottom; more QL news from the UK; Sir Clive’s Z88 update; dates to remember.
MoTSart: Super Music for the ZX81/TS1000/TS1500ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 Type-in program Machine code program to play music over the MIC output or on an AM radio
- QL Easel/Business Graphics "Tips"QL
SuperBASIC Editor for the QLQL Using Quill to edit SuperBASIC programs.
Shoot-out at the QL Desktop Corral!QL Software review Review of several QL desktop publishing programs.
- 10 Commandments of Good Desktop Publishing
Get LuckyTS 2068 Type-in program Lottery number picker.
- Desktop Publishing on the TS2068TS 2068 Software review
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 10TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
MAX 1000: Make the Most Popular "Mods" Compatible On Your TS1000TS 1000 Hardware project Collection of upgrades/modifications to the 1000.
TS CommuniqueA forum for people having problems with their 1000, 1500 and 2068.
- Classy Front End, Part IIITS 2068 Type-in program
Dear MSCRIPTersTS 2068 Updates and features new in version 6.
Alarm ClockTS 2068 Type-in program Simple program to turn the computer into an alarm clock.
Memory/Trace Using Interrupt Mode 2TS 2068 Type-in program Challenges using interrupt mode 2 on the 2068 and how to use them.
A&J Micro Drive SystemTS 2068 Subroutine to create a command line and execute it from within a running program.
Oliger SAFE Disk System v2.2TS 2068 Updates and tips.
AERCO FD-68 Disc SystemTS 2068 Tips for using the AERCO disk system.
Zebra/Timex FDD Disk SystemTS 2068 Disk handler (program) and tips for using the Zebra disk drives.
- Which System Do You Use? Reader Tips and Hints for Mass-Storage
Herb's BASIC One-LinersTS 2068 Type-in program One line tips/tricks.
- Great TS User Groups
News From the DealersCurry Computing; Budget Robotics & Computing; American Design Components; WMJ Data Systems; Novelsoft; Chia-chi Chao; T & C Services; Lemke Software Development; Logic Sales Ltd.; A&J Assembly; Larken Electronics.