Timex Sinclair User n4

Volume: 1
Issue: 4


  • 3 in 1: Mixed Game Bag 1
    Review of the game from Timex.
  • Amusement for Brainy Types
    Reviews of The Nowotnik Puzzle, Mega Mind and The Cube Game.
  • Flying High: Pilot
    Review of the game from Mindware.
  • Lazy Monster: 3D Monster Maze
    Review of the game from Melbourne House.
  • Softsync kit enhances graphics
    Review of Graphics Kit from Softsync.
  • Previously Reviewed
    Short summaries of previously reviewed software.
  • World's First Computer Museum One Year Old
    Brief overview of the Computer Museum in Marlboro, Mass.
  • T/S Goes to the Library
    “Fantastic! A great idea! I can think of no better way to show people what a great machine the T/S1000 is.” This excitement was generated when Greg Melko of Timex Computers of Canada discovered that two library systems in the Toronto area were allowing library users to become T/S users by borrowing a machine. The
  • ... and software does too
    National software library set up as a research and reference facility for the microcomputer industry.
  • Of Things To Come
    1983 Summer Consumer Electronics Show included representatives from Timex.
  • Computers and Confusion
    Two new computers from Timex! That’s good news. The 2000 series is described on page 12. We looked at the 1500 in our previous issue. We’re glad these new machines are with us. Rut having said that, let’s look at the way Timex brought them to us. No sooner had we all bought our T/S
  • The New Arrivals
    Overview of the Timex Sinclair 2000 and 1500.
  • Contest Winners
    Winners of the 2K program contest. Winning programs are:
  • The Binary Banner
    Article based on material later published in the book by Fred Blechman. Prints a banner on the TS2040.
  • Searching at routine speed
    Tutorial on programming search routines.
  • Note Tester
    Program to print a note at a random spot on the musical scale; user names the note.
  • Treasure Hunt
    Maze game.
  • 3-D Xs and Os
    3D Tic Tac Toe.
  • Exercise and Calories
    Program to show calories used per activity.
  • Hampson's Plane
  • Beginner's BASIC book a beauty
    Review of David Lien’s Learning Timex Sinclair BASIC.
  • Bulletins
    Updates from Sirius Ware, Lipinksi Software, Stuart Software, Barlog Software, C.R.C. Software, 2-Bit Software, Sync Master.
  • Clive Sinclair is Knighted
  • Converting Your Computer Into An Octopus
    How Cliff Danielson expanded his MicroAce to a powerful home computer. Initially purchased to be the front-end to his home-built Z80 computer, he expanded the MicroAce with an 8K ROM, circuit to add FAST mode, 32K RAM, full-size keyboard, interfacing to a second computer.
  • Letters
    Letters about balance of articles between 1000 and 2068; 2040 paper; user support; overheating; program improvements; submitting programs; non-games programs; readability; improvement of the magazine.
  • Setting Forth
    Overview of the Forth language, comparison to Basic and how Sinclair Basic uses Forth-like methods.
  • Tiny invention makes perfect saves & loads
    Review of the Winky Board 2.
  • Where to find everything
    Review of The Timex Sinclair 1983 Directory by E. Arthur Brown.
  • You Could Be Your Computer's Worst Enemy
    Ways to manage problems using the TS 1000.


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