Timex Sinclair Users Group Of Cincinnati Newsletter v2 n2-3

Volume: 2
Issue: 2-3


  • From Newsletters Around the World
    The “sizzle” on some 1500s and 2068s is from an isolation tranformer magnetic core halves. Recommended solution is to superglue the halves together. Program to produce a darker display that in turn will produce a darker print when using COPY.
  • Secretary's Report
  • President's Report
  • Taming the Bug in VU-Calc T/S 2068
    Add a CLEAR statement to fix a memory allocation problem.
  • Response from Timex on T/S 2068
    Response about an issue with the 2068. A “Timex engineer admitted that the problem was in the custom chip, and that only a redesign would cure the problem. The problem apparently stems from the different scan rates between U.K. and U.S. TV sets.”