Electronic Fun with Computers & Games
No issues available for this publication.
- $99! ComputerReview of the TS 1000 and overview of software and hardware available for the computer.
- Computer Workout: TS 2068While many computer companies play “Waiting For Peanut” before upgrading their current machines, Timex Sinclair has forged ahead with the 2068 Personal Color Computer, which should be readily available by the time you read this. The TS 2068 is a 48K computer that is based on the extremely successful Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, introduced a…
- EF's 50 Best GamesRound-up of the magazine’s top 50. Flight Simulator for the TS 2068 is number 45.
- The Complete Gamer's Guide for all Timex and IBM PC UsersShort descriptions of games from Creative Software, HES, Melbourne House, Mindware, Orbyte Software, Reston Publishing, Softsync, Timeworks and Timex.
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