Hampton Roads T/S User Group Newsletter
- 1985 Vendors FollowupList of active vendors.
- After a year's delay - the QL is officially here!Announcement of September 2, 1985 launch of the Sinclair QL.
- C-5 electric trike now sold in US by PA firmThe Newcastle Co. is the only US distributor for the C-5.
- Editor's CommentsKrampitz reports on situation with T/S Connections, whether it has or has not taken over service from the Timex repair service in Little Rock, Ark.
- Exit Maxwell; Enter DixonsRobert Maxwell drops attempt to save Sinclair from receivership; UK retailer Dixons steps in.
- Panasonic KXP-1091 Printer ReviewShort review of the printer.
- Programming tips, part 2Notes about how the computer store numbers; PAPER, INK, etc on the 2068.
- Softaid for Spectrum to benefit EthiopiansInexpensive compilation tape to raise money as part of Band-Aid project.
Publisher: Hampton Roads Timex Sinclair Users Group
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