Pro/File Updates

Title Description Computers
"DO Files" Revisited Perhaps the most powerful, but also the most under-used and misunderstood function in the Pro/File program is the “DO File”. Timex/Sinclair 1000
"DO" The Menu Approach There is nothing to prevent a “DO FILE” from branching to a menu of options. Leonard G. Holmes, a clinical psychologist in Williamsburg, VA, uses Pro/File to hold billing information and he uses this “DO” menu technique to print out various kinds of statements. Timex/Sinclair 1000
A Forum on Hardware Suppliers? How ’bout some comments on Timex hardware suppliers? There are lots of ads in SYNC and elsewhere, but who is reliable and who is not. Timex/Sinclair 1000
A Hearty Welcome! Welcome to Pro/file Updates! Charter subscribers are members of a very exclusive group, indeed: 123 people world-wide. Keep the faith, numbers will grow–especially if you tell your friends about ZX PRO/FILE. This newsletter is going to provide you with modifications and ideas to make ZX PRO/ FILE serve you better. A heavy slant will lean
A Mystery Arises Some people report bugs in ZX PRO/FILE such as report-4 (out of memory) errors, report-5 (not enough room on screen) errors, and during SAVEs, some report that the computer goes ape. All problems exhibit a shocking degree of non-uniformity except for one thing: 16K Memotech RAM packs were used in every case. I have tested Timex/Sinclair 1000
A Splendid Idea! Suggestion to add spellchecking to ZX Pro/File Timex/Sinclair 1000
A&J Micro Drive Replaces the CAI Stringy Floppy The A&J Micro Drive is the “new and improved” version of the old CAI ESF stringy floppy, a very high speed tape device which approaches the speed and flexibility of disk drives but at a price of only about $150. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Accelerated Saving with ZXLR-8 ZXLR-8 is a program that speeds loading and saving time with the ZX/TS. You can use it with Pro/File to typically load a 16K program in about 30 seconds. If you use a disk drive, there is no comparison in speed between ZXLR-8 and the disk. However, ZXLR-8 can do a lot of things the Timex/Sinclair 1000
Additional Selections from the Display Options Menu Add these lines to Pro/File to eliminate many tedious unnecessary key presses. They incorporate into “ZX” much of the flexibility found in the new Pro/File 2068 program. Timex/Sinclair 1000
After the Fall... Bill Jones of Panama City, FL sent an interesting note. He says, “UPDATES has the potential of being a National Newsletter for Sinclair Computer Information. Looking further down the road, UPDATES could be a vehicle to start up a National Sinclair Computer Club.” Funny you should mention that, Bill. While UPDATES is definitely not ever
And Speaking of Water.... Peter G. Govus reports that his West Paterson, NJ home was flooded by 4 feet of water not long ago. At the bottom of the drink was his T/S 1000. When the waters subsided, Govus put the air blower to his soggy machine. As soon as the thing was dried out he powered it up, Timex/Sinclair 1000
And the Winner Is... SET LISTS! We have a little country western band and we play for dances in our local Austin Texas area. I put every song we do in Pro/File complete with its key, who sings it, key changes, and type (walz, two step, etc.). When it comes time to play a gig, I go in and Timex/Sinclair 1000
Autosearch Won't Work Several readers have written of problems when trying to make an ordered search. In order to utilize this function in PRO/FILE you must enter your data carefully or the computer will not be able to find the number you type in. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Blink Eliminator This modification changes the computer to the SLOW mode for data entry. Being a very short program addition, I did not reDIM DS downward for more room and have had no trouble. Some readers may want to just in case. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Block Delete "DO File" Purges Unwanted Data This function allows you to clear out files that you no longer want. If you use Pro/File to catalog your stamp and coin collection, for example, and you find yourself running out of room, you could use the Block Delete function to “split” your data base in two. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Byte-Back P-2 Printer Software Mods Add or alter these lines of ZX PRO/FILE to make it work with Byte-Back’s P-2 serial print< er driver. P-2 can be located in any convenient memory location. Once you decide where you want it to be, determine the address of both the LPRINT and the LCOPY routines. The address for LCOPY will be stored Timex/Sinclair 1000
Byte-Back Printer Interface Al Rapp of Blowing Rock, NC writes: I am using the RS-232 board in my Byte-Back modem and Byte-Back’s printer driver program to drive my Star DP8480 serial printer. I can copy the whole screen by using USR 8347 at line 3020 of PRO/FILE but I can’t select lines to be printed. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Changing RAMTOP Without "NEW" Those of us who use 64K RAM on our ZX81/TS1000 must poke RAMTOP and execute NEW before loading large programs. This can also be done by a short machine code routine added to the high-speed loader programs like ZXLR-8 described in previous UPDATES. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Compusa Disk Fix I, too, have a Compusa Disk system for my TS 1500. I use a different method to save to disk which allows me to save to tape if I want to. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Compusa Disk Implementation of Pro/File Available Anthony John Oresteen is offering an upgraded version of Pro/File which works on the Compusa disk drives. In addition to a “Print all files after…” routine (see story inside), he has added DATE and NUMBER OF FILES USED functions. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Debugging Aid When D$ is longer than 704 characters, report 5 errors prevent you from displaying the array when you PRINT D$. This short routine appended to PRO/FILE lets you read all the contents of D$ without a lot of fuss. Begin numbering the lines at 9000 or some other place where there’s room. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Display Options Fix In Updates number 3, the “Additional Selections from the Display Options” enhancement on page 4 screws up the “RETURN” function. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Editing the Asterisk When I initiate a search for “*”, I find I am unable to EDIT the first file called up. This does not occur on subsequent files or if the search is for another item. Is there something I am overlooking? Timex/Sinclair 1000
Field Labels Anyone? Myles Cohen from New York uses the ADD modification given in UPDATES vol. 1, #3, to simulate “labels” such as those used in old, outmoded and obsolete data base programs like Vu-File. Timex/Sinclair 1000
File Alignment This enhancement will help you keep data in each file “aligned” for easier viewing and printing. This is done by calling up a form you have on file and then entering the data over the top of it. Timex/Sinclair 1000
George Erickson's Ultimate Loading Solution: Batteries UPDATES has devoted considerable space to improving loading speed convenience and dependability. Disk drives, stringy floppies, and fast load-type programs all contribute greatly to these critical factors. George Erickson, a manufacturer’s representative for Canon micro floppy drives, hard disks, and other computer equipment, uses ZX PRO/FILE to maintain his sales data. Since last November, his Timex/Sinclair 1000
Glaring Errors Dept. In “Upgrading to Larger Memories Without Losing Data” (page 6, vol. 1, no. 1) step 7 of the instructions was incorrect. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Glaring Omissions Dept. Far and away, the most common problem experienced by ZX PRO/FILE owners is enlarging the DS array to make use of a larger memory pack. It seems that the dummy who wrote the book was so concerned with getting the program lines on page 42 printed correctly that he completely forgot to tell you to Timex/Sinclair 1000
Good News for TS1500 Owners! Many readers interested in using ZXLR-8, the fast load program described in the last issue, but who are discouraged to learn that it won’t work in their TS1500 computers will be pleased to learn that Joseph C. Woyak of Appleton, Wisconsin got his ZXLR-8 program running in his 1500. He pulled out the 8K ROM Timex/Sinclair 1500
Goof-Proof Line Editing How many times have you been adding or editing a file and suddenly found yourself face to face with the program listing without knowing why or how you got there? This annoying occurrence is caused by accidentally pressing the BREAK key while the edit cursor is blinking. If you’re not paying attention, the results can Timex/Sinclair 1000
How to Connect Pro/File to a 32K RAM Pack To run a 32K version of “ZX”, follow these instructions. Timex/Sinclair 1000
How to Connect Your TS/ZX to a Monitor – Easily Anyone who has stared at those funny little moving marks or lines of distortion on TV displays, anyone who would like to enjoy a crystal clear image without the annoyance of RF interference and having to carefully adjust the TV set’s fine tuning, or arrange cables just so, anyone who thinks a quality monitor would Timex/Sinclair 1000
Important Pro/File 2068 Note If you purchased a copy of PRO/FILE 2068 and you’re wondering why you haven’t received a copy of the manual yet, its because the book is still not finished. I have been very busy of late and have not been able to devote the time needed to complete it. Timex/Sinclair 2068
Introducing the Experimentor's Universal Input/Output Port Some of you may remember that a LONG time ago, I said I wanted to offer a simple parallel port and use it as the basis of a series of programs designed to show computer hobbyists the what’s, why’s and wherefore’s of “Programming for Ports”. My plan was (and still is) to provide many interesting Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Line Input Improvements I was using PRO/FILE to handle a file and print-out of one line sales transactions, but entering the data of varying length and still keeping all segments of lines properly aligned caused me grief as well as a lot of “Data Too Long” errors. This revision of line 552 and an added line 554 prints Timex/Sinclair 1000
LPRINT More Than 32 Columns I have long wanted to expand the print capability of Pro/File from the 28 characters per line to 80 in order to provide a more concise method of printing church address files and library catalogs for distribution in a format other than Rolodex cards or labels on Rolodex cards. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Machine Code in Pro/File: Where to Stick It Enhancements to PRO/FILE that are written in machine code can present a problem in deciding where in memory you should keep it. A long addition like Q-SAVE or FASTLOAD will usually be placed either above RAMTOP or somewhere in the 8-16K area of RAM if you have it to use. The biggest drawback to keeping Timex/Sinclair 1000
More on Q-Save in the 1500 Since my last tip on using QSAVE with the Timex 1500 (see Updates vol. 1, #4), it seems I may not be the only one out here with such a set-up. If that is the case, others might be interested in modifying the QSAVE program so as to allow its use with the 1500 and Timex/Sinclair 1500
New Full Size Printer Interface Works With "ZX" Peter McMullin reports in SINC-LINK, the newsletter for the TS Users Club of Toronto, that the EPROM SERVICES Centronics I/F and software driver works just fine with Pro/File. Timex/Sinclair 1000
New Light on the Memotech Memory Mystery In UPDATES No. 1, I noted that several people experienced unusual behavior of their computers when the Memotech 16K RAM pack was used to expand capacity to 32K. Bill Russell of Winky Board fame sheds some light on this common problem and gives a possible cure. Timex/Sinclair 1000
New Uses Dept. Jim Cripps of Central Islip, NY has compiled a large foreign language translation data base using ZX PRO/FILE. His family uses it to improve their language skills in any of the five different languages held in the program. For each word, a two line file is created. The first line holds the initial of the Timex/Sinclair 1000
Number Crunching "ZX" It’s not often that a short piece of new programming can add a whole new dimension to a program, but that’s what happens with this mod. Pro/File the file manager turns into Pro/File the accounts manager with this hot little ditty. Once you add it, you can keep a running total of numbers that you Timex/Sinclair 1000
Port Project #1: Data Communications Between Two Computers This first project gives you the basis of a very useful application involving I/O ports–communicating between two computers. Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Print All Files After... I use an expanded 64K version of ZX Pro/File to maintain a large mailing list of over 500 names. A problem that I have encountered is that my printer sometimes jams during a label run, and it always seems to happen at around the 400th file. After stopping the program and clearing the printer I Timex/Sinclair 1000
Pro/File 2068? Sadly, ZX PRO/FILE will not work on the new TS2068 without a substantial re-write of the machine code. Even general concepts must be changed. Watch for a 2068 version in 6-8 months. By necessity, it will be accompanied by an entirely new text as well Timex/Sinclair 2068
Pro/File Basic Add/Edit Routines How many times have you been adding or editing a file and suddenly found yourself face to face with the program listing without knowing why or how you got there? This annoying occurrence is caused by accidentally pressing the BREAK key while the edit cursor is blinking. If you’re not paying attention, the results can Timex/Sinclair 1000
Pro/File Plus Cassette Clarification Last issue I stated that cassettes of “ZX” which contained many enhancements published in Updates was available. Apparently it was not clear to many that the biggest enhancement of all, the machine code alphabetizing routine featured in the last issue, was included on this tape. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Pro/File Pokes for the Byte-Back Centronics Printer I/F Here is the Parallel I/F modification for the new Byte-Back interface. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Pro/File Replaces the Card Catalog Got a library? Or a Sunday school library? PRO/FILE with the NOT Search and file count is an excellent library program. I use it with 48K. Smaller memories may be a little restrictive. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Pro/File Sings at the Tabernacle From Bill Hall, Laurel, MD: One of my duties as Minister of Music for the Tabernacle is to compile a schedule of all volunteer help during our Sunday morning services. This involves seven different areas of ministry and as many as ten individuals per area. Conflicts of scheduling this large group of people led us Timex/Sinclair 1000
Pro/File Works with COMPUSA Disk Drives Too Last issue there was an extended modification to run “ZX” with the AERCO disk drives. This time, Steve Cottrell of Allen Park, MI sends his modification to run the program on the COMPUSA disk drive. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Program Changes and Data Capacity: A Symbiotic Relationship Memory space in a computer — regardless of how much you have plugged in — is allocated for certain jobs. Two major sections of memory that concern ZX PRO/FILE are the program area of memory and the variables area. When PRO/FILE runs, all files are stored in the variables area. With 16K attached, the files Timex/Sinclair 1000
Q-Save on the TS1500 I use a Timex 1500 which I got to replace my 1000 so that I might continue to use the programs and accessories I purchased for the TS1000. I was dismayed to find that my Q-SAVE would not work with the 1500. A letter to the importer brought the answer that the two were just Timex/Sinclair 1500
Q-Save with Pro/File John Willi, Louisville, KY, and Phil Williams, Wilmington, DE, sent these instructions to make PRO/FILE work with Q-SAVE. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Sinclair QL Computer Examined Not long ago I managed to get my hands on Sinclair’s latest machine, the QL. A cursory inspection reveals a very powerful computer. It sports a nice full size keyboard. Unlike the TS1000, the case is large (18-3/4 by 5-3/8 inches). It encloses the 68008 microprocessor, 128K of ram, 48k of rom, 2 microdrive mass Sinclair QL
Special Number Cruncher Issue In keeping with a promise made long ago, I now have added math Capabilities to ZX Pro/File’s repertoire. Read all about it inside. This modification really changes the face of Pro/File the file manager, turning it into a completely different program. I am anxious to hear what new applications arise from it. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Speedload and "ZX" If you own SPEEDLOAD, a fastloader put out by Intercomputer, Inc., you’ll be interested in this modification made by Alfred Revzin of Elmsford, NY. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Stringy Floppy Notes If you use a CAI Stringy Floppy for high speed program saves, you’re not alone if you tried unsuccessfully to adapt PRO/ FILE to work with this device. With the help of Don Bernath in Michigan, Peter Danes in New York, Jim Benedict of Miss., Lionel Barthelemy of Alabama, and Frank Finkelstein of New York, Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Amazing "Line Insert" Command I found that I required an INSERT facility for a filing job I was working on. This one works very well. After these changes are made to ZX PRO/FILE you can create an open line between two existing ones in order to insert a new line of text. Whenever the cursor is blinking while you Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Beat Me, Kick Me, Abuse Me, But This is Too Much Dept One fellow whose name shall remain annonymous wrote, “can you teil me how to extend the VU-FILE to 64K?” Try POKE 16396,255NEW Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Display/Pause/Display "DO" File Finally, this routine will make Pro/File search and display a file. Then, it automatically goes to the next file without the need press ENTER of the Display Options. This could be useful where automatic displays of information are required such as in store window demonstrations or in a “flash card” type setting for youngsters. Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Idiot's Idiot Line Despite the safeguards built into ZX Pro/ File, I have managed to erase by mistake two pages of data. Consequently, I devised this Idiot’s idiot line. Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Incredible "Not" Search These changes allow ZX PRO/FILE to perform “NOT” searches. This is equivalent to printing all files EXCEPT the word you input as a search command. PRO/FILE’s builtin multi-word search mode is used in this routine. The computer searches all files for a match to the first word. If one is found, it then scans the Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Label Maker "DO File" Here’s a neat utility that I use all the time to make return address labels. You can change it accordingly to print your own name and address, or whatever other information you need. Timex/Sinclair 1000
The Pro/File–AERCO Connection Linking Pro/File’s data management capabilities with the rapid access and large capacity of a disk system is probably the single greatest improvement you can make to ZX PRO/FILE. If you obtain a disk system manufactured by AERCO you can make these modifications to PRO/FILE to pack your data base with enormous whollop. Timex/Sinclair 1000
The ZX Coupon File I use the PRO/FILE as a coupon file with headings to match my wife’s coupon holder. The sample below shows how the files are organized. Entering a search by general heading, by brand name, or by expiration date will tell me at a glance just what coupons we have or which ones we should use Timex/Sinclair 1000
Time and Date Enhancement Here is a little additional code which allows for inputting the time and date so that immediately upon loading you can tell when your last access to the program occured. (I did this because I am basically a disorganized person and sometimes pick up the wrong version of my Pro/File tape to work on.) Timex/Sinclair 1000
Timex Computer Corp. Fades If you haven’t heard already, Timex followed in the footsteps of Texas Instruments not long ago, leaving computer owners and third party supporters alike holding the bag. Rumors are flying fast and furious. Only one thing is certain and that is that we are all in for some uncertain times. Preliminary fears that the entire
TS1000 and ZX81 Parts Available As our lowly ZX computers fade into the setting sun, die-hards among our ranks have expressed concern over where to find replacement computers and parts. For the time being, ZX81 computers, power supplies and parts (ULA’s, ROM’s circuit boards, etc.) can be obtained from Thomas W. Laffin. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Turning Point This issue of Pro/file Updates closes out the newsletter’s second year. I want to thank all of you for your generous and enthusiastic support. It was your suggestions, contributions, and even complaints that made the first two years of Updates a smashing success. And I think it is safe to say that the ZX Pro/File
Updates Updates Our little newsletter is growing up. Not in numbers of pages or in circulation but content. This issue is the first one where the majority of topics covered was provided by you–not me. For this, I thank you. It makes my job as editor one heck of a lot easier when I don’t have to
Upgraded ZX Pro/File Cassettes Available Many readers who would love to spruce up their old Pro/Files with the enhancements covered in this newsletter, but who lack the time or ability to enter them in by hand have expressed a wish to be able to purchase cassettes of “ZX” incorporating some of the more extensive modifications. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Use Pro/File to Document Your Programs A use for Pro/File I haven’t seen mentioned is on a backup computer with 16K–printer optional–as an index of variables while “composing” a program. I’m sure we’ve all had the fustration of being interrupted from programming by calls to food or bed from sheer exhaustion, and then have to back track for hours in order Timex/Sinclair 1000
What to Do for the RS232 Are there any Memotech RS232 serial interface owners out there who have ZX Pro/File running through this device to their serial printers? Jerome C. Friedman in Parsippany, NJ would like to learn how to do it. Timex/Sinclair 1000
What's New for Volume Two Volume 1 ends with this issue. For all but a tiny handful who have already renewed for next year, its time to sign up for volume 2. Its the same old price ($9.95) for the same great subject matter. Next issue, I have a modification that adds math capability to Pro/File. I also hope to
Z80 Chip Replacement Update Many readers reported that last issue’s suggestion to replace the Z80 microprocessor chip inside the computer to solve unexplained crashing problems works. Tom Bent, the illustrious editor of SyncWare News suggests that the Z80B processor chip is a much beefed up version of the Z80A. It costs a little more, but is able to handle Timex/Sinclair 1000
Z80-B, Bent EPROMs, ROM-PAK Notes Please note that the ROMPAK edition of ZX Pro/File has many program lines (all the DIM lines plus 9960/9970) which can be deleted after the program is transferred from eprom to memory and before the program is saved to tape. This saved memory can be used to enlarge DS or add modifications. Timex/Sinclair 1000
ZX Pro/File and the Law As the Technician In Charge for the Illinois State Police, District 11, I use the Pro/File to perform: I’m also a volunteer ESDA (Civil Defence) director for our city and use the file system for work list schedules, emergency calls, inventory of supplies, and mailing labels. The TS computer is a powerful tool in my Timex/Sinclair 1000
ZX Pro/File Sails the Seven Seas... D.A. Diemand, HMC, USN writes, “I’m using Pro/File aboard ship with great success keeping track of the dental status of 278 personnel.” Timex/Sinclair 1000
ZX Super File? R.C. Combes from Atlanta, GA writes: Pro/File Updates has presented a proliferation of goodies which should be incorporated into a Super version of ZX Pro/File. This would mean a rewrite of the manual, of course. If you need help (for free) on a project of this sort, I would be glad to participate in any Timex/Sinclair 1000
Publisher: Thomas B. Woods

Quarterly published by Tom Woods. Provided updates and more to owners of ZX Pro/File databases. In 1986, the newsletter was renamed to Computer Updates and expanded to include updates to all software published by Tom Woods.

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