TS User

  • Applicationsz
    Catalogs received from Z-Ware, Computer Continuum, Softsync, Data-Assette, Cleva Computerware.
  • Bookrev: Timex/Sinclair Sourcebook
    Review of guide published by Microdesign Concepts.
  • Editorial
    Describes purpose of the newsletter, as compared to others.
  • Fun With RND and RAND
    Tutorial on random number
  • Gozzip
    Sinclair announces ZX-83, Timex the 2000. Timex plans a 3000 for 1984. Mindware printer back ordered for six months.
  • Hardware Hintz: Preventing Crashes
    How to prevent RAM pack wobble crashes and minimize static electricity.
  • Mizzle Command
    Short video game program.
  • Softrev: Graphics Kit
    Reivew of the graphics kit tape from Softsync.
  • Star Bookrev
    Review of ZX-81 Horizon by Adrian Watney. An excellent introduction to advanced programming with a detective game, a graphics game, a file management system, and a machine code programmer/toolkit. Very clearly presented. Many hints and tips. The cassette includes all the program texts – so it saves a lot of time and protects you from
  • Star Softrev: VU-CALC
    Brief review of the program.
  • The Timex-Sinclair 1000
    One user’s opinions about his TS 1000.

Subscriber supported (no dealer advertisements) newsletter. Ceased publication in April 1984.

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