
Publication Details



Fall 1987


See all articles from Byte Power Fall 1987

This program was an idea of one of our subscribers, Ronald M. Cavin II of Columbus, Ohio.

This program will quiz you on the Presidents of the United States or on the countries of the world and their capitals or on the States of America (Also Provinces of Canada) and their capitals.

There are 3 choices in the menu, 1- U.S. Presidents, 2- Countries of the world and 3- States of America, just choose the one you want by pressing the appropriate number…

When you choose the U.S. Presidents you then have a choice of 3 kinds of questions. 1- By description, this will give you a short description of the President and based on what it says you choose your answer. 2- By name, this will give you the name of the President and you have to tell which President he was (is); ie: 24th President or 5th President…etc. 3- By number, this is the opposite of #2, it will tell you which President he was (is) and you must find his name; ie: 1st President was? Ans: George Washington!!!

When you choose Countries of the world or States of America, you will have 2 kinds of questions. 1- By countries (states), this will give you the name of the country (state) and you must find its capital. 2- By capital, this will give you the capital of a country (state) and you must give the name of the country (state).

You have to answer 15 questions at a time and for each question there are 5 choices of answers (only 1 is correct though!). Just press the appropriate letter.

Have fun!!!

P.S. Thanks Ronald!

Loading name QUIZ
Program type Quiz/trivia
Written by Kristian Boisvert



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