A.F.R. Software

1605 Pennsylvania Ave. #204, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Owner(s): Albert Rodriguez


Spreadsheet program. Maximum of 3360 characters across 15 columns and 30 rows.
TS 2068
Appointment calendar; holds 180 appointments. Each appointment record is a maximum of 220 characters.
TS 2068
Word processor that supports up to 650 lines of text.
TS 2068
Accounting software.
TS 1000
Spreadsheet with 15 columns and 30 rows, 8 characters per cell. All 14 ZX81/TS1000 math functions supported. Maximum of 3360 characters/spreadsheet.
ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500
Appointment calendar; holds 25 appointments in 16K, 100 in 32K or 180 in 48K/64K. Each appointment record holds a maximum of 220 characters.
ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500
Line-oriented editor that offers 1300 to 6500 words with 16-64K RAM. Editor supports word and line-based deletion, insertion, replacement. Supports editing two files simultaneously.
TS 1000
Written to be both entertaining and educational, there are about 457 variations of this game.
TS 1000


  • American ZX-81/TS1000 Software
    Brief description of programs from A.F.R. Software.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Barry Carter, Aerco, Zebra Systems, Pete Petri, JRC Software, Chia-Chi Chao, Poretsky & Poretsky, D. Lipinski Software, K. D. Lewis, American Surplus Trading, Toronto Software World, John Oliger, Rick Munday, A.F.R. Software, Sum-Ware, Al White and WMJ Data Systems.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from C. W. Associates, Gulf Micro Electronics, Aerco, G. Russell Electronics, Melvin MacKaron, Ace Software, Rheesware, EZ-KEy, Falmouth Computer Service, Damco Enterprises, A.F.R. Software, John Oliger, Van Vangor, T-Ware, Integrated Data Systems.
  • For Your Support
    Product availability announcements from Imre Auersbaucher (educational software), Hawg Wild Software (2068 fig-Forth, CP Spectrum Forth, EMU-1 Spectrum emulator, User Design Graphics toolkit), Dale Lipinski Software (5 new programs for the 2068, and 8 new ones for the 1000 and 1500, dealing with accounting and file management), Sinware (updated HotZ 2068), Games to Learn By
  • New Products and Services
    AFR Software announces ZX-Calc; Raedata announces Micro-ROOTs, a journal for people interested in genealogy.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n10)
    New products from UAS, John Carson, A. Rodriguez, Williamware, ROMPAK, Intercomputer, Micro-Load, Soft Magic Corp., Larimar Inc., Robotec, Simulsion.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n10)
    Cryptic Gold; fifth generation computing; ZX-Calc accounting system; budget robotics; graphics tablet from Zebra; programmer’s market; monitor tuners; Oddball Software Magazine.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n7)
    AFR Software announces new programs; Zebra operates bulletin-board system for T/S users; Soft Images offers the 1983 cumulative edition of Literature Analysis of Microcomputer Publications, an index of 130 periodicals.
  • Potpourri
  • Resources (Sync v4 n1)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • ZX-CALC + R.F.R.G.
    ZX-CALC + R.F.R.G. is a complex and comprehensive spreadsheet/accounting package. R.F.R.G. is a supplement to ZX-CALC called an “accounting model” (R.F.R.G. stands for Rodriguez Financial Report Generator). The author states that it is used primarily for sole proprieterships who do not have the company’s assets tied up in land.
  • ZX-Text
    Description of the program available from the author’s company.
  • ZX81 Tic-Tac-Toe
    Documentation, part 2.
  • ZX81 Tic-Tac-Toe
    Documentation for the program.



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