Date: May 1985
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
Title | Description | Computers |
Publisher's Statement: For New Readers and Old | For a number of our readers, this is your first issue of SUM Magazine. Others have been with us since we were only a local users newsletter, supporting the Timex Users Group here in Gainesville. | |
Portuguese Timex T-2068 Computer & Timex Disk Drive System: A Hands-On Evaluation | Timex is still in the home computer market—in Europe! When Timex bowed out here in early 1984, their computer manufacturing facilities in Portugal continued their work, primarily, so everyone believed, manufacturing for Sinclair in England. Apparently, this was only partly true. Their research and development department was still at work, perfecting the products only hinted | Timex Computer 2068, Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
Additional Notes on the Hardware of the T-2068 & Disk Drive | Disassembling the T-2068 reveals a circuit board smaller than found in the American computer. It is a very professionally designed board with no wire jumpers. A stand alone RF modulator replaces the video/RF modulator circuitry of the TS-2068. There are no trim pots or adjustable components except for a fine tune in the RF modulator. | Timex Computer 2068, Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
The Rotronics Wafadrive: An inexpensive alternative to cassettes | This system has been a big hit in England, where it was born, and is now available to 2068 owners with the aid of a Spectrum emulator. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
Convert Your TV into a Computer Monitor | Schematic and instructions for converting a black and white TV to a monitor. | |
Pro/File 2068 Filing System: An Outstanding Value | In-depth review of substantive data base program for the 2068. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
Software Review: Zaxxon | Review of Zaxxon as ported to the Spectrum. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
User Defined Graphics for TS-1000, Part II | Program to generate and store your own characters into the custom graphics board as described in the prior month’s issue. | Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Vendor Report | Timex-Sinclair “survivor buttons; update on A&J Microdrives and wafers. | |
Programming TIP | Explanation of how multi-line statements that contain IF statements work. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |