CAI Instruments, Inc.


EPROM (2716) used with the CAI/O board. Converts Sinclair code to ASCII code, allowing the TS1000 to communicate with other computers and serial devices. Supports BAUD rates of 110 to 9600.
TS 1000
TS 1000
The CAI/ESF (Exatron Stringy Floppy) used endless-loop tapes and a small operating system to perform many of the functions available on disk operating systems. It could load or store 27K bytes in less than 30 seconds.
TS 1000
Main interface. RS232, 3 ports parallel IO, printer port, tape port, memory expansion port. Replaced “Widget”.
TS 1000
40-column thermal printer that prints all TS1000 and ZX81 alpha-numerics and graphics. Used with either a mini-interface ($20) or the CAI/O board. Printer has six modes of print: screen dump, print listing, and print string, each of which may be printed in normal or expanded style.
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
May have been a standard modem; CAI/O Board had RS-232.
TS 1000
ASCII firmware, modem and modem cable. This with the CAI/O board allows the TS1000 to communicate with mini and mainframe computers.
TS 1000
EPROM is contained in the ASCII firmware. When used with the CAI/O board, allows the user to communicate with other computers and with serial devices such as printers and teletypes. Supports BAUD rates of 110 to 9600.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Interface board allows ZX80 to communicate through serial (RS232) port and parallel TTL input and output ports.
32 column thermal printer; prints on 3.2″ wide paper. Supports Sinclair BASIC printing commands and screen dump.
TS 1000
Standard cassette recorder modified for computer control. Offers file directory, read/write from programs. Uses endless loop tapes.
ZX80 TS 1000
TS 1000





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