Hale Software/EMSoft
Boston, MA 02114
Peter Hale
CAD software to design circular cams and generate CNC code to a vertical mill controller.
22 page manual that describes six Wood and Wind “Archive related” programs, what they do, and how to use them.
25 page manual and 256K floppy that comprise a “Learning Shell” for the Archive data base software. Includes flash cards for Spanish and QDOS.
Rental property management software for the ZX81/TS1000. 175 transactions in 16K. Auto-sort by date of transaction; auto prep of tax return; review by many criteria. Expandable to 64K.
TS 1000
- In the Mailbag
- Just ReleasedComprehensive public domain software library maintained by VISTA (Vashon Island Sinclair Timex) is available. Software available to perform color screen dumps to the Okimate 20, when connected via parallel interface. New business software from Bottle Cap Software, Byte Power. Zunk Custom Electronics is offering CADZ and games from Magicksoft. For QL users, EMSoft and Meta…
- October News Roundup
- Other Sinclair News
- Resources (Sync v4 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Review of DBAddres An Archive Program
- Some Not So New Programs
- SuppliersUpdates on Larken Electronics, RMG, Update Magazine, EMSoft, John McMichael, Byte Power.
- What's This Mr. Watson?
- Sinc-Link v7 n6
- Sinc-Link v8 n5
- Sinc-Link v9 n3
- SYNC v4 n1
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n5
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n6
- Update April 1989
- Update April 1991
- Update April 1992
- Update January 1989
- Update January 1990
- Update January 1991
- Update January 1992
- Update July 1989
- Update July 1990
- Update July 1991
- Update July 1992
- Update October 1988
- Update October 1989
- Update October 1990
- Update October 1991
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n3