Update July 1991

Date: July 1991


Title Description Computers
Editorial Reflection on publishing the newsletter and updates.
Check Book Balancer Program that leverages Abacus to balance a checkbook. Sinclair QL
QLUSTer_LITE Iteration of QLUSTer program. Sinclair QL
QL Desktop Publishing Brief overview of Page Designer. Sinclair QL
Bad QL Membranes Crisis Intervention How to repair or replace broken keyboard membranes. Sinclair QL
Archive Series - Part 5: Alter and Delete Commands Further exploration of Archive. Sinclair QL
Files 2 Review of file management tool for QL. Sinclair QL
Errata and Addenda Using loops in QL DO files; moving TS2068 code blocks. Sinclair QL, Timex/Sinclair 2068
When to Upgrade: The QL in Transition Upgrades to the QL. Sinclair QL
Justified Translates Addressing a spacing shortcoming in Quill. Sinclair QL
QL_Genealogist Review of the program by Chris Boutal. Sinclair QL
Exploring Def FN and FN Programming math formulas using DEF FN. Cambridge Z88, Timex/Sinclair 2068
A Review of 'Manual A' for the Z88 Manual for the Z88 written by Mike Fink. Cambridge Z88
2068 Home ROM Corrections - Part II Corrections to the ROM, in part to support bank-switched memory. Timex/Sinclair 2068
Character String Emulation in Hisoft Pascal Version 4 Routines to handle strings in Pascal. Timex/Sinclair 2068
TS-2068 Tool to Convert Chr Strings Program to convert two dimensional character arrays to three dimensional arrays. Timex/Sinclair 2068
Basic Programming with DEF FN() and Boolean Logic Program that converts between binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers and performs math operations across them. Timex/Sinclair 2068
The Dayton Computerfest - Sinclair Sub Show Details about upcoming computerfest.


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