Timex Sinclair Public Domain Library Tape 2004

Developer(s): Tony Willing
Date: 198x
Type: Cassette
Platform(s): TS 2068

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


Stay on the road!
3-dimensional tic tac toe.
Get them before they get you.
Steer your craft through asteroids.
Calculate your physical, mental and emotional cycles.
Use the cursor keys to steer the man around the screen. If you go off one edge of the screen you will appear on the opposite side. You must defuse the time bombs before they detonate, but you may only do this once they are activated.
Sight ’em and shoot ’em.
Avoid the gorilla!
Shows how you can use BASIC to give life to a spritely (pun!) little marching man. Demo/animation on BASIC.
LOCATION: The Bruce Automated Nuclear Power Station, patrolled by Guardian Robots and protected by a Laser Defence Mechanism. PROBLEM: More trouble with the Commodore XL600 Computer! RESULT: A fuel rod handling malfunction. All rods are exposed! Time to critical radioactive runaway condition is unknown! MISSION: Your mission, should you decide to take it, is to
Collect money for bank deposit.
Typical invader game: destroy the aliens that are attempting to flatten New York. Taken from ‘Popular Computing Weekly’ 2/8 June 83.
Bring the sheep home.
Pacman type game. Originally published in Sinclair Programs – type-in from issue #4 – 1982/Nov.
A swarm of giant mutant bees is attacking a city by night. You have a rocket launcher positioned one kilometer away, but only enough ammunition to allow you one shot at each bee.
Tennis anyone?
Traditional game.
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