Volume: 1
Issue: 5
And Now the ComicsParent company of Timex Sinclair User has announced Load Runner, the “galaxy’s first computer comic.”
Blue No MoreTS 1000 Use a giant rubber band to prevent RAM pack wobble.
Britain's Software Pioneer Days are OverThe market has become more sophisticated and selling a good cassette can be just as difficult as writing it.
BulletinsUpdates from ATC Software, Kentronics, Computech, SyncMaster, KIS Engineering, Gladstone.
Can Timex maintain its image of clocklike efficiency?Editorial about issues Timex has had marketing its computers and touching on articles in the issue.
Capital IdeasBook review Review of Home Computer Can Make You Rich by Joe Weisbecker.
Clearing system bugsTS 1000 Tutorial Final article in series on programming in Bsci.
CompoetryTS 1000 Type-in program Input a list of nouns, verbs and adjectives and computer produces a poem.
Convert your T/S,ZX to ColorTS 1000 Hardware project Build an add-on to connect a 6847 video display generator (same as in Radio Shack Color Computer) to your TS1000.
Copying More or Less than the Standard 22 LinesTS 1000 TS 2040 Type-in program Define the number of lines printed via the COPY command to reduce paper waste.
DealersTS 1000 Type-in program Program to deal 52 cards at random without repeating a card.
Devices DeliversTS 1000 Hardware review Review of L-Monitor.
Dial-A-WordTS 1000 Type-in program Program to convert phone numbers into words/phrases.
Disassembly book is complex, invaluableTS 1000 Book review Review of The Complete Timex TS1000/Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly by Ian Logan and Frank O’Hara.
KingdomTS 1000 Type-in program Reprint of the program that appeared in issue 3 with missing code.
Kwikplot: A program for investigating correlationsTS 1000 Type-in program Plots the correlation coefficient between two variables.
LettersTS 1000 Letters about largest integer that can be stored; compatibility of TS1500 cartridges with 1000; saving memory; difficulty saving; differences between ZX81 and TS1000; tape recorders; inverse characters.
Locking UpTS 1000 Type-in program POKEs to prevent others from loading your programs.
Merging in BASICTS 1000 Type-in program Technique for merging two data sets.
Mixed-Use 4-Pack is a Mixed BlessingTS 1000 Software review Review of Powerpack 1 from Timex.
National ListingListing of user groups.
Programming Arcade Games, Part ITS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tools and techniques.
ReviewsTS 1000 Software review Short reviews of Mothership, Gamestape 1, Graphic Golf, Mazogs, Wallbusters, Caves of Zulu, Combat Flight, Vault of the Centaurs, 80 Hours Around Europe
Saving MemoryTS 1000 Type-in program Two methods of memory saving coding.
Screen monitor improves graphics, saves eyesightHardware review Review of the Gorilla monitor.
T/S EntrepreneursTS 1000 Products that have come from the Central Pennsylvania Timex Sinclair User Group include the Winky Board, ZXLLR8, math packages, inverse video circuit, robot.
The Microchip DemystifiedTS 1000 Book review Review of Mastering Machine Code On Your Timex/Sinclair.
Timex Speeds UpTS 2068 Timex has narrowed the TS2000 computers to one model, the TS2068, in an effort to speed up delivery.
Treasure HunterTS 1000 Type-in program Find treasure hidden at a random position on the screen.
U.K. Aids the HandicappedSeries of computer fairs to highlight what is being done in microelectronics to help the disabled.
Universal PatternerTS 1000 Type-in program Generates patterns at random.
VideographityTS 1000 Type-in program Program to draw on the screen.
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- MBR Distributors
- Brainchild Computer Works, Inc.
- DK'tronics
- Interface Innovations
- Sunflower Systems
- Bytesize Micro Technology
- Musamy Software
- Chadwell's Software
- Filesixty
- Suntronics
- Sinclair Place
- Research in Speech Technology (R.I.S.T.) Inc.
- Busyness
- S & S Company, The
- Simplex Software
- Personal Computer Engineers
- Greg Brooks Software, Inc.
- Gladstone Electronics
- MULE Electronics
- Dynacomp, Inc.
- Speedware
- 2-Bit Software
- Sinware
- Harvard Group, The