Timex Sinclair User n6

Volume: 1
Issue: 6


  • Blabberman
    Animation of a Timex/Sinclair lover. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • Screen Sort
    Fills screen with random characters then performs a bubble sort. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • Search and Destroy
    Review of Spacetrek from Beam Software.
  • Something for Everyone
    Review of What Can I Do with my TS1000? Lots! published by Wiley and Sons.
  • T/S2068 Display Primer
    Explains how to get your computer to put things on the screen where you want them to go.
  • Tape does a variety of tasks
    Review of ZX-Toolbox by Melbourne House.
  • Totally Awesome
    Prints the name of the magazine as a graphic. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • Up or Down
    Displays a message upside-down in enlarged characters. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • What'll They Think of Next?
    Review of Hand Saver and Octoputs, by Electrocomp; both are accessories for Atari joysticks.
  • Angry Ape
    Review of Krazy Kong by Intercomputer.
  • Book-cassette package teaches programming
    Review of Programming for Real Applications by Dilithium Software.
  • Bulletins
    Second anniversary celebration of Sinclair-Timex User Group of the Boston Computer Society; user seeks triangulation software; query about using TS1000 as a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD).
  • Computerized Dee-Jay
    Explains how one user created a database for 3,500+ records in The Organizer and some techniques he used to compress data.
  • Counting
    Demonstrates how fast machine language can count. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • Crazy Words
    Madlibs on the computer. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • DISA-Z: A Z80 Disassembler
    Disassembler for the TS2000, written and debugged on the 1000.
  • Download from Radio
    Microperipheral Corporation developed a 4800 baud modem that could download software broadcast over the radio.
  • Electric car, mini-TV, keep Sinclair's researchers busy
    Update on projects at Sinclair.
  • Filing and Inventory Systems
    Review of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
  • Flash and Scroll
    Displays a string: flashes and scrolls it with machine language. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • For Football Fans
    Review of Pick ‘Em by Stuart Software.
  • Fringe Benefits
    Review of ZXAK-MAN by Pleasantrees Programming.
  • HEXEDIT: A Simple Hexadecimal Machine Code Editor
    Short BASIC program that allows you to write, enter and debug hexadecimal machine code routines.
  • How to Build an Inexpensive Joystick Interface
    Simple circuit and software to interface Atari joysticks to the 1000.
  • In The Fast Lane
    Review of Timeblasters by Robotec.
  • Joysticks to the World
    Review of the Zebra joystick interface and Atto Soft joystick, which solders directly to the motherboard.
  • Kaleidoscope
    Prints thousands of constantly changing patterns. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • Learning to Love the Beast
    Review of How to Cope with Computers, published by Hayden.
  • Letters
    Letters about articles in previous issues, Winky Board 2.
  • Limited mail-order availability for new ZX Microdrive
    Sinclair Research used a limited mail order system to launch the Microdrive.
  • On the Future of the 1000
    Editorial about the direction of the magazine and continued support for 1000 and 1500 owners.
  • Packrabbit With A Joystick
    POKEs to make Packrabbit, a program Timex Sinclair User sent to new subscribers, work with Righter’s joystick interface.
  • Pattern
    Draws lines bouncing off the sides of the screen. One of the Clever Contest winners.
  • Preparing for Machine Language Programming
    Excerpt from Programming Arcade Games, to be published by Reston Publishing.
  • Rebuilding the Pyramids
    Reviews of Gamestape 2, Pyramid, Artist, all from Melbourne House.
  • Regarding PEEK
    Overview and tutorial about using PEEK to reveal information about the TS1000.
  • 'Rithmetic
    Review of Supermath by Timex.
  • Save
    Program SAVEs itself ad infinitum. One of the Clever Contest winners.


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