2068 Test

Platform(s): TS 2068
Rarity: uncommon

Short program to demonstrate the character set, colors and graphics.

5 INK 0: PAPER 7: BORDER 7: CLS\n10 FOR c=0 TO 7\n20 FOR i=9 TO 12\n30 PRINT BRIGHT 1; PAPER c;AT i,c*4;c\n60 NEXT c\n100 PRINT AT 13,0\n110 FOR v=0 TO 1\n120 FOR h=33 TO 143: PRINT INVERSE v;CHR$ h;: NEXT h\n130 PRINT\n140 NEXT v\n200 LET yc=143\n210 CIRCLE 108,yc,10: CIRCLE 128,yc,15: CIRCLE 148,yc,10\n220 FOR x=0 TO 12 STEP 3\n230 PLOT x,175: DRAW 0,-63\n240 PLOT x+243,175: DRAW 0,-63\n250 NEXT x\n260 FOR y=112 TO 124 STEP 3\n270 PLOT 0,y: DRAW 255,0\n280 PLOT 0,y+51: DRAW 255,0\n290 NEXT y

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