23 Sussex Rd, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Gives 448 extra pre-programmed graphics symbols. The ROM contains lower-case letters, bombs, bullets, rockets, tanks, a complete set of invaders graphics and more. The board also has a spare socket that will accept another 4K of ROM, like the 4K TOOLKIT ROM or 1K/2K RAM, for user-defined graphics. dk’Tronics and Kayde published several games that
TS 1000
A powerful editor for serious BASIC programmers. Offers 11 new facilities: ALTER (replace a string); BYTES (how much free memory); COPY (duplicates program lines); DELETE (deletes a block); FIND (find a string); HELP; INSERT (merge two programs); KEEP (keeps a block of lines by storing them above RAMTOP); MOVE (move lines within a program); RENUMBER;
TS 1000
TS 1000
High resolution machine language implementation of the arcade game. Requires Kayde’s 4K High Resolution Graphics ROM.
TS 1000
High resolution machine language implementation of the arcade game. Requires dk’Tronic’s 4K High Resolution Graphics ROM. 16K.
TS 1000
High resolution machine language implementation of the arcade game. Requires dk’Tronics’ 4K High Resolution Graphics ROM. 16K.
TS 1000
Cased keyboard with 52 keys, 12 of which are on the number pad. Case measures 15 x 9 x 2 1/2″. Computer fits inside (removed from original case). Comes with motherboard to attach RAM and extend expansion bus to rear edge of case.
TS 1000
Kempston compatible features “freeze” and slow motion control. Requires a twister board.
TS 2068
Plot, draw, erase, modify, save. Produce high resolution illustrations with 16 pre-defined instructions. Requires twister board.
TS 2000 TS 2068
- 6 Keyboards Compared: Which is the one for you?Add-on keyboards are available for your T/S — but which one should you buy?
- BulletinsUpdates from Hawg Wild, Silicon Valley North, Daydesign, T-S Systems, Intercomputer, Mindware, Micro Developments, DK’tronics, MicroSync, Florida Creations, Len Harmon, Filesixty, Data-assette.
- DAMCO Rainbow Plus Interface; DK'Tronics Speech SynthesizerThe Rainbow Plus is an elegant and somple alternative to other Spectrum emulators. Its both Spectrum ROM and Spectrum compatible expansion port. A switch toggles between the Timex and Spectrum ROMs. The DK’Tronics Speech Synthesizer is basically the same as used in most inexpensive speech synthesizers for home computers.
- DK Tronics Keyboard
- DK Tronics Keyboard
- DK'Tronics 16K Uncased Memory BoardReview of the uncased memory board for use with the same company’s keyboard. Product is flawed, according to reviewer.
- DK'Tronics KeyboardReview of the keyboard.
- DK'Tronics Three Channel Sound SynthesizerReview of the AY-3-8910-based sound expansion for the 2068.
- Editor RamblingsMistakes in November 1982 issue. Sinclair pocket TV. US Spectrum sales. Printer news. RAM pack ribbon connector. Floppy disk for the TS/ZX. TRS-80 to ZX/TS. Supporting vendors swamped. Super Talker speech synthesizer. ZON X-81 synthesizer. Computer control devices from Thurnall Electronics.
- Making A Good Thing Even BetterReview of dk’Tronics’ replacement keyboard.
- Microcomputing, British Style: The Fifth Personal Computer World ShowOverview of the show. Mentions Sinclair and add-ons. Photos of dk’tronic keyboard, Jupiter Ace.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n6)New products from Daydesign, Compuwiz, G. Russell Electronics, SofTec, DJM Software, Compucraft, DK’tronics, Timeworks, Toptronics, Florida Creations, ZX/TS Software Exchange Club, Busyness, SyncWare, Memotech, Stuart Software.
- Resources (Sync v1 n6)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Speak Out and Be Counted: dKTronics Speech SynthesizerDk’tronics Speech Synthesizer for the Sinclair Spectrum is available in the U.S. from DAMCO. If you have a T/S 2068 and a “twister” allowing Spectrum hardware to be plugged onto your edge connector, Dk’tronics synthesizer can make your computer speak up.
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