Down East Computers

Greenville, NC 27834
Owner(s): Alger Salt

Founded by Alger Salt, Down East produced the VOTEM, one of the earliest analog to digital devices for Sinclair computers.


Votem Data Acquisition – Hi-Res. Written VOTEM, a simple voltage-to-frequency converter, designed for single-channel analog data acquisition. Allows multi-screen acquisition, variable scale and timebase. Without the VOTEM, it was useful for frequency measurement, via the tape input jack. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
The VOTEM was a hardware/software package that could measure, display and record real world analog signals via the cassette input. Any physical phenomenon (pressure, light temperature, etc.) that could be represented by a DC voltage could be measured. The name of the product came from the fact that it could measure VOltage and TEMperature. The
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068


  • Link to the real world
    Review of Down East Computing’s VOTEM, an all-purpose voltage and temperature measuring system designed to interface with the TS1000, ZX81 computer or any Z80 based system.
  • Operating VOTEM on the Timex 2068 Computer
    Instructions and program.
  • Resources (Sync v2 n3)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Review of VOTEM
  • The Votem
    The Votem, to play on James J. Carr’s book Digital Interfacing to an Analog World (Tab Books, Summit, PA. 1978), is an analog interface to Sinclair’s digital world. Analog/Digital Conversion Analog (related to analogous) refers to relationships by ratios. The analog device relates numbers to a turn on a wheel such as our rapidly disappearing
  • Timex Add-Ons
    Product annoucement for VOTEM interface board from Down East Computers.
  • Timex at the Heart of the Kidney
    Medi Products of Salt Lake City built a system to reclean and resterilize artificial kidneys around a TS1000 with a Votem, Persona, Periconb and a special keyboard from Sinclair Place. The computer completely controls all processes under EPROM software direction.
  • VOTEM interface board
    VOTEM stands for voltage and temperature, and that’s what this new interface from Down East Computers is all about.



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