
Owner(s): Conan La Motte
La Jolla, CA 92038


Name Description Computers
A Night in Las Vegas Craps, Blackjack, Roulette and Slot Machine. All four games on one cassette, with manual, miniature layouts, chips, and full color keyboard overlays. 1K. MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
Chest of Classics Four classic computer games for the MicroAce and 4K ROM ZX80. Life, Lunar Lander, Mastermind, K-Trek, all on one cassette with game charts and game manual included. MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
Old #1 A cassette of familiar programs: dice, chinese ring puzzle, etc., plus some new ones. MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
Super Z Machine code modules that add seven new statements to 4K BASIC: TAB, SCROLL, MEM, PAUSE, READ, RESTORE and DATA. Most statements are used in the form of a USR function (ie PRINT USR (MEM), which prints amount of unused memory). 1K. MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
ZX80 1K Disassembler Translates each Z80 machine code instruction into a unique key. Look up the key in the disassembler manual to find the assembly language mnemonic. Translates the 4K ROM, or program segments stored in a 75 byte section of memory. Includes memory test. Sinclair ZX80
ZX80 Bookshelf Cassette Library Six 4K ROM cassettes in a binder. Includes: ZX80 Home Computer Package, Chest of Classics, A Night in Las Vegas, ZX80 Business Package, ZX80 1K Disassembler, Super Z. Sinclair ZX80
ZX80 Business Package Three programs: Search and Save: Stores and retrieves keyed files on tape. VideoComp4: Manipulates 3 columns of 16 elements; performs integer operations on one element or an entire column. VideoGraph: Produces a bar graph from the VideoComp4 results. Manual, two reference cards, file record sheet, and color keyboard overlay. 1K. Sinclair ZX80
ZX80 Home Computer Package Composer, Etch-A-Screen, Electronic Billboard, Checkbook Balancer, Calculator. 1K. Sinclair ZX80
ZX81 1K Disassembler Translates each Z80 machine code instruction into a unique key. Look up the key in the disassembler manual to find the assembly language mnemonic. Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000
ZX81 Home Computer Package Four programs: Billboard: Scrolls a giant banner across the screen. Etch-a- Screen: Draws text and graphics in any direction. Checkbook Balancer: Keeps a running tabulation of your balance. Composer: Plays music as you press the keys. Manual, 2 keyboard overlays in color. 1K. Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable




Name Description Computers
ZX81 Home Computer Package Billboard, etch-a-screen, composer and checkbook balancer. Timex/Sinclair 1000


Title Description Computers
A Night in Las Vegas Review of the cassette from Lamo-Lem. Sinclair ZX80
Chest of Classics by Lamo-Lem Review of the programs from Lamo-Lem. Sinclair ZX80
InfoNews/Software: Super Z Super Z for the ZX80 and MicroAce computers adds seven new statements to Sinclair 4K BASIC: TAB, SCROLL, MEM, PAUSE, READ, RESTORE and DATA. The statements are contained in a machine-code module that’s loaded at line 0 and is invisible to users. MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
InfoNews/Software: ZX80 Business Package The ZX80 Business Package by Lamo-Lem is for the Sinclair ZX80 or MicroAce computers. The package includes Search & Save, which allows storage of text files on cassette and retrieval by keyword or phrase; VideoComp-4, which displays a worksheet of three columns and uses a keyboard overlay to perform operations involving entire columns; and VideoGraph, MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
Program Improvements/Refinements Correction to Star Hunter, Composer by Lamo-Lem, Solar Program, Etching.
Resources (Sync v2 n3) Listing of new user groups, books and other resources. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Resources (Sync v2 n4) Listing of new user groups, books and other resources. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Resources for the ZX-80 and MicroAce (Sync v1 n1) Currently available hardware, software, books and user groups and newsleters. MicroAce, Sinclair ZX80
Software Received Software received by Byte during the prior month. Super Z, extended BASIC commands for the Sinclair ZX-80 and ZX-80 Home Computer Package, both by Lamo-Lem, are mentioned. Sinclair ZX80
ZX-81 Home Computer Package for Sinclair/Timex Sampler of four programs, all run in 1K. Etch-A-Screen, Music Composer, Checkbook Balancer, and Billboard by LAMO-LEM Laboratories. Timex/Sinclair 1000
ZX81 Home Computer Package Lamo-Lem’s Home Computer Package of 4 machine code programs offer a good variety. Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000

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