PleasanTrees Programming
7760 N. Hopdown Ave, Tucson, AZ 85741
You attempt to net animated worms loose in corridors of seemingly endless identical boxes. You must put each in an empty box. Most boxes already contain a worm which escapes upon checking. By memorization you gradually put all away. 16K.
TS 1000
50 States: Teaches states, capitals, spelling. Mini-Boggler: Vocabulary building game (like Scrabble), 2-4 players. History I: Quizzes people, places, dates (1600s-1870s). History II: Like History I (1870s to present). ZXAK-Man: Arcade game fun. 16K.
TS 1000
Base conversion tool for machine language programmers. Converts numbers between binary, octal, and hex; accepts any base up to base 16 and returns its base 10 equivalent or vice versa; whole or fractional numbers; detailed instructions. 16K.
TS 1000
Zaxxon for the ZX81/TS1000. Evil Xon and his forces are on a ridgetop encircling a valley full of his subjects. In this isometric shooter you control a craft moving it up or down, and the aim is to destroy as many of Xon’s armaments as you can to reach Xon himself and bring him to
Downloadable TS 1000
50 sheets, 8 1/2 x 11; printed with all lines including edit lines on premium eraseable paper. Specially printed windowcard comes with each pad making line reading simple.
TS 1000
Complete graphics course for the TS/ZX computers. Chapters on the Memotech High Resolution Graphics module. Topics: animation, 3-D plotting, diagonal scrolling, writing and dissecting uneditable programs, machine code short cuts, and more. Program listings.
TS 1000
- Bits and PiecesAERCO FD-68 disk drive interface; A & J Model 2000 stringy floppy; RAMEX offers Millenia K disk interface/package; T/S Smart Terminal Telecommunications guide; ZX81 software; Knighted Computers obtains Quicksilva software rights; new buyer’s guide from D. Lipinksi; other updates.
- City of Xon
- For Your SupportProduct announcements from English Micro Connection, TEJ Computer Products, Macshak Software, Delphic Enterprises, Pleasantrees Programming, Communications Systems Center, Toronto Software World, T Dailey, People’s Software Supply, S. J. Wyatt and John Oliger.
- Fringe BenefitsReview of ZXAK-MAN by Pleasantrees Programming.
- Vendor ReportPleasanTrees Programming continues to supply software and introduce new 2068 titles; Gladstone’s Toronto store sold copied software; BASIC newsletter is back; Kopak Creations out of business.
- Vendor ReportsUpdates about Larken Electronics, Weymil Corporation, Pleasantrees Programming, Sunset Electronics, Cascade Games Ltd., E. Arthur Brown, Oliger, BIT/S Software, ZX Broadcast, E-Z Key.
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