SYNC v3 n4

Date: June/July 1983
Volume: 3
Issue: 4


  • Buyer's Guide Supplement
    Buyer’s guide products that did not make it in the prior issue.
  • Adding a Counter in Hardware
    Adding hardware timer/counters to the Microace.
  • Machine Code and Your TV Screen
    One of the ways that Basic is slow is in putting things on the screen. Have you ever played a game in Basic and you wanted things to zip across the screen, but, instead, they crawled? It is frustrating, but Basic is simply very slow in this department. In the 8K Basic SLOW mode, even
  • Just for Fun
    Horizontal Bar Graph; Isosceles Triangle; Mandalas; Name Program
  • Directory of Suppliers
    Supplement to list in v3n3.
  • Memopak High Resolution Graphics Module
    The Memopak High Resolution Graphics Module, in dull black matching the computer, fits in between the Memopak parallel printer interface and the 64K memory module. Velcro tape or double sided adhesive tape comes with each unit to ensure a wobble-free set-up.
  • Timex Developments
  • The Votem
    The Votem, to play on James J. Carr’s book Digital Interfacing to an Analog World (Tab Books, Summit, PA. 1978), is an analog interface to Sinclair’s digital world. Analog/Digital Conversion Analog (related to analogous) refers to relationships by ratios. The analog device relates numbers to a turn on a wheel such as our rapidly disappearing
  • RUNning with Reduced RAM
    For most of us, the anticipation of being able to write extended programs when we first plugged in our new 16K RAM pack was soon somewhat tempered by the waiting out of the monotonous count at the end of every SAVE and LOAD. Also, functions such as CLS and NEW take much longer.
  • Stringing along with the ZX81
    Using string statement to emulate READ/DATA by slicing the characters from the string which make up a data-set, converting the sliced substrings to a numerical value, if necessary, and then using these substrings as program variables.
  • 2K to 4K RAM Upgrade - An Introduction to ZX/TS Hardware
  • Robotics on a Budget
    The Project A little over a year ago I decided to start building a robot. I had no idea that it would lead to a project fully controlled by a computer. However, as I started reading more about robots and the robotics law, I realized that a true robot had to be a self-contained entity
  • So You Wished You Had Bought a TS2000
    How would you like to have a computer with a color video display of fifteen colors, quality sound, high resolution, unlimited character sets, and a dual joystick interface? How would you like a system in which you do not have to worry about expansion? If you have a ZX81 (or ZX80 with the 8K ROM),
  • Perceptions
    In this issue Perceptions will take up I/O (Input/Output) ports. The fundamental issues are discussed, and a sample method for their application to the TS1000/ZX81 is described.
  • Connect a Monitor to the TS1000
    How to connect a TS1000 directly to a composite monitor.
  • Adding A Joystick To The Timex-Sinclair 1000
    Adapt an Atari joystick to emulate the arrow keys.
  • Try This
    Three short programs.
  • Sync Notes
    Sinclair and Timex owners across USA will be adding LPRINT state merits to their favorite programs. They will soon find out that there are some bugs in the LPRINT Command. The problem is not in the printer, but in the Sinclair 8K ROM. The first bug involves the improper printing of numbers between .01 and
  • Letters
  • Glitchoidz Report


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