SYNC Special Issue 1982

Date: Special Issue 1982


  • Sync Notes
    Introduction to special issue, describing regular content of the magazine. Includes instructions for potential authors.
  • Try This
    Short program.
  • Expression Evaluators at Work
    Reprint of the article from the first Kitchen Sync column.
  • Perceptions: Syncsums
    Short program to provide checksums to users as they type in programs, to ensure they’ve been entered correctly.
  • An Introduction to Machine Code
    How to start using machine code on the ZX80/81.
  • An Inventory System
    Program to demonstrate a database on the ZX81.
  • The "QS Sound Board" for the ZX80/81
    Based on the extremely versatile AY-3-8910 sound generator chip, the QS Sound Board features complete software control of the frequency and amplitude of three independent output channels as well as an envelope shaper and noise channel. Mentions QS Motherboard, which allows connecting 16K RAM and sound board at the same time.
  • Setting Up Bar Charts
    This program listed works with 1K to chart two years of monthly checking account balances with vertical bars. The graph is set up for a range of $0 to $1500, but can be modified for other ranges with a few changes and some trial-and-error experimentation.
  • Using Key and Token Expressions
    Keywords as well as tokens could be typed into program lines in full — spaces and all— with practically a single keystroke.
  • Window
    A machine language monitor is a utility, provided by most computer systems, which aids in the development of machine language programs. Its basic functions are: a) to allow you to view the contents of each byte in the system’s memory, and b) to allow you to change these values. The program provided here will allow


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