Date: November 1984
Issue: 16
T-S NewsTS 2068 Softaid (tape with popular Spectrum games); proceeds went to BandAid. Programs for ham radio operators (1000 and 2068). “Memonotes”, a publication for users of Memotext and Memocalc. Wafadrive Engineering Bulletin, put out by Damco Enterprises, contains updates for a number of programs for Wafadrive users.
QL ReportQL Notes about the QL, comparison of the QL to Amiga and Atari ST computers. Games and books about the QL discussed.
Reviews for the Non-ProgrammerTS 1000 Software review Review of Chroma-Soft, a program and a yellow filter for the TV screen, that generates some color through flashing. Update on Word* for the ZX81.
Powerful Projects with Your Timex/Sinclair [Book Review]TS 1000 TS 2068 Book review Hardware interfacing projects for the 2068 and 1000.
Computer Interfacing Techniques in Science [Book Review]TS 1000 TS 2068 Book review 30 experiments for any ZX computer.
Partial Pascal [Review]TS 1000 Software review Review of a Pascal editor/compiler for the 1000.
2068 Software ReviewsTS 2068 Software review Reviews of BIZ (a home budget management program) and DRAW II.
MTERM and SpectrumTS 2068 Type-in program Use MTERM with the Spectrum ROM.
More Notes on VU-CalcTS 1000 Type-in program Modifications to overcome certain shortcomings in VU-Calc.
Some Notes on the Bank Switching SeriesTS 1000 Correction to a listing in issue 11. Another bug has surfaced in the listing provided in Issue 11.
Logic FamiliesReference This article is a collection of data from various data books and specification sheets and is intended to provide a useful source of information when you need to choose what kind of IC to use for your project and what, if any, interface is required between the various families.
Quick-BalanceTS 1000 Type-in program Quick-Balance prompts for all the information it needs from the user. About all you need to know is that to exit the outstanding checks or unposted deposits reoutines, you need only to enter ‘0’.
The Stopper for the 16K TS1000TS 1000 Type-in program Have you ever thought you’d like to a backup copy of a valued program but couldn’t break into it to save it? Or have you admired a feature of a programm and wanted to look at it to see how it’s done? Then this short (12 byte) program is for you.
Clover: A Graphics Program for the 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Creates a variety of geometric designs.
In Sync: 2068 Line Renumber RoutineTS 2068 Type-in program Renumbering routine for the 2068.
Try TheseTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Graphics demo programs for the TS1000 and 2068.
News from the World of SinclairTS 1000 ZX Spectrum Sinclair Spectrums in Egyptian classrooms; assigning pro bono attorneys in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York system, with a 64k TS1000; notes about a visit to England, where the Spectrum is very popular.
Alpha Strings$TS 1000 TS 2068 Correction to A&J article in n14; RAM chips from Jameco; adjustments to WORM program; Callisto Software’s ZX Hi-Res.
EnterTS 1000 TS 2068 QL; 128K Spectrum.
- 21st Century Electronics
- HCS Software
- Zebra Systems, Inc.
- DAMCO Enterprises
- Tom Cole
- RW Software
- Edward W. Loxterkamp
- SUM: The Sinclair/Timex Users Magazine
- Audio Vision
- Curry Computer
- Time Designs Magazine Company
- Simulusion
- Hunter Electronics
- G. Russell Electronics
- Sunset Electronics
- Knighted Computers