If you have a disk drive system, it stands to reason youโll need software to make it work or manipulate the disks.
For systems that were never intended to have disk drives, this can be a bit incongruous.
Operating system for bank-switched memory on the ZX81/TS 1000. Documented in eight articles in T-S Horizons.
TS 1000
A fully automatic, BASIC transparent, disk operating system that locates itself in the 8-16K region of RAM. Versions available for AERCO and JLO additions to the TS1000. Fully compatible with all printer interfaces.
TS 1000
Utilities for the COMPUSA floppy disk system for the TS 1000. Read/write to/from any memory address Read/write multiple track data files Read fractional tracks Automatic disk-to-disk copy Recover deleted tracks List directory of physical tracks
TS 1000
Copy individual files, even on a single drive system. For AERCO FD-68 disk systems.
TS 2068
Examine or change any byte on a LKdos disk. Useful in repairing damaged or glitched disks, changing the disk name or head speed, etc. You can also examine the track map and disk info headers. Documentation for the disk editor also includes information on how to access LKdos from machine code and information on the
TS 2068
Menu-driven overlay for LarKen LKDOS. It handles file management functions and included utilities and improvements made to the BASIC drivers of many popular TS2068 programs. LogiCall reduced the number of keystrokes required for LarKen’s LKDOS. All the keys labeled by TIMEX for DOS operation worked without being preceded by RANDOMIZE USR 100 or PRINT #4.
TS 2068
Combines OS-64 code with AERCO FD-68 disk operating system. Gives 64 column mode to AERCO DOS.
TS 2068
QL using MicroSoft interface. Program to aid users of both environments. Converts the QDOS delimiter (“/”) to the MS-DOS delimiter (“.”).
Utility for AERCO FD-68 disk system. Full-featured sector editor. Features include: Read/write sectors Correct sectors Delete files Compare blocks Copy screens Translate IBM clusters Reads MSDOS Works with RP/M
TS 2068
RAM-based LKDOS extension adds support for sequential data file support to BASIC commands. Lets you create, read from, or write to very large data files kept on disk. It uses the commands OPEN#, CLOSE#, PRINT#, INPUT#, and INKEY$# to access the files from BASIC. There is also a high speed search command for finding a
TS 2068
Disk operating system provided with the Millenia K interface. RAMEX was the American distributor of SPDOS.
TS 2068
SPDOS was marketed in the UK by Watford Electronics as a disk interface and operating system. Kempson later sold a version which used less RAM, approx. 700 bytes (Watford used about 8k). A variant of the SPDOS interface was marketed in North America by RAMEX International and known as the Millenia K. This version was
TS 2068