Semper Software
585 Glen Ellyn Place, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Michael Amling
Later developed a Modula-2 compiler for Macintosh computers.
Subset of Pascal for the ZX81/TS 1000. Includes if, then, else, case, of, otherwise, while, do, repeat, until, for, to, downto, begin and end for program control; read, readln, write, writeln, reset, rewrite, eoln, eof, inkey and text for input and output; +, *, div, mod, abs, chr, odd, ord, pred, succ and sqr for
Downloadable TS 1000
Alternative Computer Languages for the ZX81: Partial PascalTS 1000 Description of Pascal and introduction to Semper Software’s Partial Pascal.
Benchmarking the ZX81TS 1000 Comparison of “magic numbers” between BASIC, Forth, Partial Pascal and MCODER.
Editor RamblingsTS 2068 2068 peripherals available from 21st Century Electronics. Partial Pascal available for TS 1000. Tax prep software from K-Soft. EPROM burner system available from RAM.
Part-Way Down the Road with Partial PascalTS 1000 Software review Partial Pascal from Semper Software was the subject of an earlier review. This is a follow-up which includes a book review plus other “adventures” with Partial Pascal.
Partial PascalTS 1000 Software review Overview of the three-part Pascal compiler/interpreter.
Partial Pascal [Review]TS 1000 Software review Review of a Pascal editor/compiler for the 1000.
Unknown Tongues Alternative Computer LanguagesTS 1000 Software review Alternatives to BASIC: Forth (Tree-Forth, X-Forth, ZX-Forth) and Partial PASCAL.