Date: September/October 1985
Volume: 1
Issue: 6
- Editor's Corner
LettersTS 2068 Tasword Two, Okimate color printer, joystick routines.
Bits and PiecesTS 2068 Maxwell deal to buy-out Sinclair falls through. Update on Portugal 2068 and disk drive. Further details on AERCO FD-68. BBS guide. Newsletter for Memotext/Memocalc users. Vendors cut prices.
Pablo Pixel-OTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Type-in high-resolution drawing program for the ZX81/TS1000. Revised version for TS 2068 included.
Adventures in the RAM Jungle and Other MysteriesTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Exploration of RAM organization in the ZX81/TS1000.
A Monitor Adapter for the T/S 1500TS 1500 Hardware project Instructions on how to add composite out video to the TS 1500.
Zebra Graphics Tablet for 2068TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the Koala Pad and adapter, plus software.
ZIP Basic CompilerTS 2068 Software review Review of the program, notes issues.
The BookshelfBook review Review of Minute Manual for the Dot Matrix Printer.
2068/Spectrum WaresTS 2068 Updates on software and hardware for the TS 2068 to allow it to use ZX Spectrum programs.
American FootballTS 2068 Software review Review of the ZX Spectrum game.
- Basically Programming
- Jim Clatfelter
- Curry Computer
- DAMCO Enterprises
- English Micro Connection
- Robert Fischer
- HD Software
- Hunter Electronics
- JRC Software
- J. Keene Ltd
- Knighted Computers
- G. Russell Electronics
- Sinclair Accessories Ltd.
- SUM: The Sinclair/Timex Users Magazine
- Sunset Electronics
- Weymil Corporation
- WMJ Data Systems
- Zebra Systems, Inc.