232 Modem |
Modem that connects directly to the computer. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
4K High Resolution Graphics ROM |
Gives 448 extra pre-programmed graphics symbols. The ROM contains lower-case letters, bombs, bullets, rockets, tanks, a complete set of invaders graphics and more. The board also has a spare socket that will accept another 4K of ROM, like the 4K TOOLKIT ROM or 1K/2K RAM, for user-defined graphics. dk’Tronics and Kayde published several games that |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Airline |
Make enough money to take over British Airlines. You are required to decide on the number of aircraft to operate, buy or charter, staffing, maintenance, fuel supply, loans, taxes, strikes, cancelled flights, hi-jacks and crashes. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Alien Intruder, Hieroglyphics |
In Alien Intruder, you are the only survivor on the Explorer Class III star ship. Try to escape before you fall victim to the alien monstrosity that destroyed the crew. In Heiroglyphics, you must decode the ancient 39-symbol alphabet in them to save a famous explorer. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Around Europe in 80 Hours |
You are in your club in London, where you have just had a blazing row with Sir Roger Partington-Smythe and accepted a wager of $20,000 against your traveling around Western Europe and obtaining a souvenir from the capital cities within 80 hours. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Terminal software, for use with data-assette’s ZX-98 interface board. 1K. |
Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Autochef |
Make enough profit to take over Trust House Forte in the shortest possible time. From information supplied decide on which type of outlet to operate, the price of the menu, whether to enter into loan contracts or purchase consignments of food or wines and the level of advertising, wages, and dividends. Decisions influenced by levels |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Basic Business I |
Cash flow control and planning. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Battleships & Cruisers |
Play against the computer to destroy its battleships, cruisers and destroyers. 16K. |
Sinclair ZX81 |
Cash Flow Forecaster and Budget Analysis |
Keeps detailed records for twelve months in the three major categories. Income, fixed and variable expenses plus loan balance or line of credit. Provides the user with the ability to forecast or track the history of his cash flow. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Centipede |
High resolution machine language implementation of the arcade game. Requires dk’Tronic’s 4K High Resolution Graphics ROM. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Challenge I |
Four different tests of your skill. Start out driving a race and finish up in a war. 1K. |
Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Challenge II |
Four different arcade style challenges. 1K. |
Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Comp-U-Share Personal Home Finance |
Maintain an up to date portfolio of your stocks, bonds, or other financial investments. Monitor your results or run a forecast of expected results. Includes P/E ratios, dividends, etc. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Dallas |
Board game of exploitation. Pick out your plots to discover oil, seismic surveys, purchase concessions, drilling rigs, build platforms and pipelines. Can you take over the Ewing empire? 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Dates |
Track food and freezer needs. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Downsway 16K RAM Pack |
Fully cased and compatible RAM pack. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Econo Tech 16K RAM Pack |
Budget model 16K RAM supplied without case, gold-plated contacts. Designed to prevent wobble. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Finance I |
Balance and maintain checkbook. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Flexicalc 48 |
Spreadsheet that supports up to 80 columns of variable width. The only limit on the number of columns is the Spectrum’s memory. A redefined character set is used to display up to 42 columns on the screen at any time. |
Timex/Sinclair 2068, Downloadable |
Flexicon |
Formatting utility for Flexicalc 48 reports |
Timex/Sinclair 2068, Downloadable |
Flexigen |
Formatting utility for Flexicalc 48 reports |
Timex/Sinclair 2068, Downloadable |
Gobble |
Fast-moving maze game that simulates the original (Pac Man). Ten levels of difficulty. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Graphics Toolkit |
22 machine code routines: draw/undraw, foreground on/off, border/unborder, fill, reverse, etc. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |
Great Britain Ltd |
You are Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer of Great Britain. Your aim is to stay in office as long as possible. Sold as “Run the Country” by Gladstone. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Great Uncle Arbuthnot's Inheritance |
You have been left your Great Uncle Arbuthnot’s whole estate. But first you have to prove you are worthy of the inheritance by turning $10,000 of it into $100,000 by investing in the stock market and the metal market within 26 weeks. You have a further 26 weeks to make $100,000 running a soft drink |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Great Western |
Take your wagon train across North America using maps, both national and local. Hunt for food, trade for food, water, ammunition. Beware of attacks on your wagon train. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Home Plan I |
Diary. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Inventory Control |
Stock control of units and of value, with separate routines for receipts and returns or sales and shipments. Special routine for adjustments in units or values. Program uses average cost of inventory value and shipments. Allows the user to sort by code or alpha name. Quick access to stock levels. Stand alone control or it |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Jigsaw 16K RAM |
Can be used with Jigsaw 32K Plus to upgrade to 48K. LED power indicator. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Jigsaw 32K RAM |
32K RAM operates in tandem with a 16K to provide up to 48K RAM. Compatible with the Data-Assette ZX99. LED power indicator. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Jigsaw 64K RAM |
64K RAM extends usable memory to 56K. LED power indicator. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Jigsaw Executive Keyboard |
Fully cased with 44 full stroke keys. Special features include a beep for every key, a repeat key, and a full space bar. An additional shift key and an “ON-OFF” beep and CPU switch. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
KAYDE Keyboard |
Fully cased fully sized keyboard for the TS1000 or ZX81. 40 full stroke keys with all legends printed in 2 colors. Simple soldering of ribbon cable is all that is needed for installation. Repeat key. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
KLIK Keyboard |
Keyboard attaches directly to the TS1000 or ZX81, replacing the existing membrane. Positive response from the keys. All legends marked in 2 colors. Also sold by E. Arthur Brown as the MK II Keyboard. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
KLIK-2 |
Automatic repeat for the KLIK keyboard. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Mazogs |
A maze adventure game with fast moving animated graphics. You must escape the maze with the treasure while fighting off the Mazogs, the creatures who live in the maze and are out to get you, 3 levels of difficulty. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Micro-Music |
Convert your keyboard into an organ. 43 tones (3 1/2 octaves); listen via headphones or cassette player. 16-32K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Peckman |
High resolution machine language implementation of Pac Man arcade game. Requires dk’Tronics’s 4K High Resolution Graphics ROM. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Personal Bank Account Management System |
Monthly statement reconciliation. Search by item or type of expenditure. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Power Supply |
650 milliamp power supply with inline power switch. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Print Shop |
For managers interested in testing their business acumen. The game spans a period of 12 weeks and each week the player must make decisions on the number and category of staff to employ, amount and type of paper to purchase, the quotation for each job, and the scheduling of work to the optimum week. Also |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Programmer's Toolkit |
Machine code routines write better, faster, and more elaborate programs. Renumber program lines, search and replace any character, insert a wait condition to stop the program until a signal is input, hyper graphics mode, and more. Compatible with the graphics kit and can be loaded with it, making a powerful programmer’s aid. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |
Property Manager |
Provides for any combination of 10 units in 2 buildings or 2 units in 5 buildings per program. Tracks rent for each unit in up to 15 variable expense categories and 15 fixed expense lines, for a full year. Optional save routines for the ZX-99. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Rampage |
PEEK and POKE your way through an adventure right inside a 16K RAM pack. 43 memory locations must be PEEKed and POKEd to make progress. On LOADing the program, you find that it has been overtaken by the Mad Programmer. You must trap him in a location from which there is no escape. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Roulette |
Accepts all legal roulette bets in any combination from one or two players, both playing against the TS1000 banker. Bet single, double, triple, or quadruple number combinations. High, low; red, black; even, odd; left, right; or middle columns of 12 numbers. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Space Invaders |
High resolution machine language implementation of the arcade game. Requires dk’Tronics’s 4K High Resolution Graphics ROM. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Time Trippers (Bandits) |
Travel through time to gain fortunes. Encounter the Minotaur’s Labyrinth, Napoleon’s Army, the Titanic, the Tower of London. Finally, you must cross the Hall of Death in the Castle of the Prince of Ultimate Evil. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Volcanic Dungeon/Hangman |
Attempt to rescue the elfin princess in Volcanic Dungeon. Hangman is deluxe version of the classic game with 400 word vocabulary. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Wumpus Adventure/Movie Mogul |
Seek the famous creature in the most dangerous Wumpus hunt ever. In Movie Mogul, make your way through traumas of production. Use your budget wisely to make a fortune. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
X-Word ZX101 |
Word processor with WordStar-like commands. Edit 14K with a 16K RAM pack. Total cursor control, move, delete, etc. Upper and lowercase ASCII. Automatic paragraph reformatting. 16K ROM, full RS-232 interface. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
ZX Bug |
Machine code monitor and disassembler. ZXBUG is a powerful tool for machine language programming. It is 4K long and uses memory from 71E0h to the top memory. ZX BUG works in hexadecimal (base 16), not decimal, so all addresses are a maximum of 4 hex bits long. Provides a total of 28 commands. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |
ZX Chess I |
A challenging chess program, written in machine language, designed to operate in the ZX81 fast mode. ZX Chess allows you to select from 6 levels of play, choose either black or white, and enables castling and en-passant moves. Unique self-running feature: you start the tape and when the chess board appears on the screen, start |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |
ZX Chess II |
All the features of ZX Chess I, plus more. Has a book of 32 opening moves. Can play at 7 levels, four of which play within competition time limits. A move is suggested by the computer if requested. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |
ZX Compiler |
Convert BASIC programs to machine language. Increases execution speed. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
ZX Galaxians |
ZX Galaxia is a good adaption to the ZX81 of the popular arcade game. You are being attacked in deep space by formations of hostile Galaxians, and it is your mission to prevent them from attacking Earth by zapping them with your laser gun as they break out of formation and hurtle towards you. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |
ZX-21 Metered Cassette Interface |
Cassette loading interface with VU meter. Reduce program load errors to a minimum by pre-setting your tape recorder to the level that is compatible with the computer. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
ZX-22 Powered Cassette Interface |
Power driven cassette loading interface. This unit uses the power pack to test audio level and gives a red or green signal to indicate the proper setting for the computer. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
ZX-98 Parallel and Serial Interface |
Parallel and serial interface (Centronics printer and RS-232) on the same board. Supports LLIST, LPRINT and COPY; communicates at up to 9600 baud. On-board driver routines in EPROM. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
ZX-99 Tape Control |
Automatic tape control (up to 4 units) and RS-232C printer interface. Built-in USR commands provide program control over the cassette recorders and features such as “Tape to Tape Copy” or program list. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
ZX-99 Text |
Wordprocessor; print through ZX-99. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |