San Diego, CA 92105
Owner(s): Paul Ezra


Listing, 1K.
TS 1000
Scroll 1000 characters right to left. Listing, 1K.
TS 1000
Where it is and how it works. How to use it for 4x or 8x characters. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Print up to 8 characters on the screen. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Scroll 300 characters right to left. Listing, 16K.
TS 1000
Drill for children. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
Generates a normal frequency curve. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Results for any date. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Paint on the screen in horizontal or vertical lines one character wide. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Generates 65,535 designs based on 16-pt array. Listing, 16K.
TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
Like Pacman. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 16K.
TS 1000
Grunts and groans figuratively but does nothing. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
Watch dogs chase the rabbit and guess the winner. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
How to construct equational and/or touchstone program lines. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Billboard moves updward. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Billboard moves sideways from left to right. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Generates and displays Hamilton paths on a forgetful functional representation of a 4-dimensional cube. 16K.
TS 1000
Generates paths along edges through each corner once on hypercubes. Listing, 2K.
TS 1000
Generate 65,535 patterns based on 36-pt. array. Listing, 16K.
TS 1000
A five-horse race that can be expanded. No ties. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing, 2K.
TS 1000
Fire at the invader. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Over 475 decimal places. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Generates four by four magic cubes. Listing, 16K.
TS 1000
Learn mathematical concepts by application of patterns and rules. Analogy with repeating decimals. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Plots a matrix of patterns defined by input. Listing, 16K.
TS 1000
Scroll your message (up to 250 characters) across the screen. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Clear the screen within the time limit. Steer around obstacles. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Sketches diagonal lines. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Paint in all directions on the screen. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
Generates primes from 3 to 10 million. Checks numbers for primes. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Paint in one corner and the computer will duplicate in blocks like a quilt. Listing, 1K and 16K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Plot random fences scrolling up the screen. Listing, 16K.
TS 1000
Plays random music through your television’s speaker. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Gives Las Vegas wheel frequencies for red and black. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Sketches horizontal and vertical lines. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
A simplified version of Rubik’s Cube for younger children. Listing, 2K.
TS 1000
Find the key and decode the messages. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Shooting gallery. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Like Etch-a-Sketch. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Starship vaporizes aliens with cannon fire. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Use two fingers to shoot down space ships. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Like Rubik’s cube. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Listing, 1K.
TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
Drill for children. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Handicap aid. Free.
ZX81 TS 1000
Multiplication tables. Listing. 1K.
TS 1000
4x/8x vertical scroll. Listing, 1K and 16K.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
8×8 and 16×16 magic squares. Listing. 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000


  • Dear Editor
    How to make a program unlistable; program for linear regression; painting heatsinks; FORTH; problems with 8K ROM/keyboard upgrade for ZX80; MicroAce flicker-free kit; large keyboard; edge connector cleaner.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Fred Nachbaur, John Oliger Co., Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Larken Electronics, Chia-Chi Chao, Robert Fischer, Bill Bell, G. Russell Electronics, EZRA Group II, RMG Enterprises, David Hill, Paul Holmgren, GLENN Technics, John Deering.
  • Resources (Sync v2 n1)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • T-S News
    Ezra Group has software for TS1000 and TS2068; “The 1985 Sinclair User Annual” published by Sinclair User; Timex Sinclair Amateur Radio Users Group published QZX.


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